23 Benefits Of Meditation: Where The Conscious & Unconscious Become One.

The thing about meditation is: You become more and more you.

David Lynch

Why Meditation is Amazing!

Meditation is amazing because it is so simple and easy in theory, yet its effects on our psyche are far from mundane or miniscule. Meditation transforms your way of thinking, helps you process and make peace with yourself, and gives you perspective in dealing with life’s challenges.

Let’s look at the benefits reported from people who regularly practice meditation:

  • Improved mood
  • Less depression
  • Less anxiety
  • Lowered blood pressure
  • Improved memory
  • Increased mindfulness
  • Ability to better cope and process difficult emotions
  • Reduced loneliness
  • Healthier eating habits
  • Better adherence to exercise routines
  • Reduced chronic pain
  • Better quality of sleep
  • Reduced IBS symptoms
  • Better control over addictions
  • Improved interpersonal relationships
  • Stronger immune system
  • Improved self control
  • Enhanced self awareness
  • Lower resting heart rate
  • Increased energy
  • Better sex life
  • Improved productivity
  • Better control of emotions
    & more!

The Science Behind Meditation & its effects.

Scientific studies have been conducted on individuals that have been regularly meditating for 8 weeks. The study findings showed an increase of gray matter in the prefrontal cortex, anterior cingulate cortex and the hippocampus areas of the brain. On the flip side, the findings reflected a decrease in the size of the amygdala. This can explain and reaffirm the reported findings listed above!

Different Types of Meditation.

There are many different ways to meditate and I recommend experimenting with them all in order to find the best type for you. Keep in mind, it’s perfectly normal and acceptable to find that more than one works for you! Not only can it be fun to mix it up, but it is always beneficial to listen to your body in regards to what it needs most in that moment. Different types of meditation include: guided, mantra, kundalini and breathing.

Guided Meditation

This is probably my top favorite style of meditation, perhaps because I’m a visual person. With guided meditation, you listen to an audio while a trained professional walks you through the cues and process of the meditation. With this method you can mentally escape to a beach in the Bahamas or find yourself perched atop a hot air balloon in the Alps- the possibilities are endless when your imagination is the one in the driver seat!

Mantra Meditation

A mantra is a word, syllable or phrase that is intended to invoke positive feelings within the speaker of the mantra. You can whisper, speak, chant, or think the mantra in a repetitive manner. This form of meditation helps you affirm purpose and control.

Kundalini Meditation

This form of meditation will most likely sound a little out there for most people at first glance. Kundalini is sanskrit for “coiled.” It has Hindu origins and involves using mudras (hand positioning), mantras, and physical movements. This actually could be the perfect style of meditation for those those moments when you just even fathom the idea of sitting still.

Breathing Meditation

I initially hesitated to include this “style” of meditation, because the truth of the matter is that all meditation is breathing meditation in a sense. All meditative practices involve mindful and focused breathing. However, Breathing Meditation should be included in this list because it is one of the most organic methods available to us. It involves simply focusing on your breath. My favorite form of breathing meditation is to do a 5 breath count. This is where you breathe in for 5 counts (1… 2… 3… 4… 5.), hold the breath for 5 counts, breathe the breath out for 5 counts- and repeat. Focusing on the breath count distracts your mind from all other thoughts, emotions and distractions while you reap all the benefits of meditation.

How to Begin a Meditation Practice.

Beginning your own meditation practice is something you can do any place, any time! My favorite time to do it is early in the morning, after having done 10 minutes of gentle yoga. There’s also something magical I find in doing it before the sun has risen (Side note: I’m not a morning person by nature, but by routine and habit). You can download any number of meditation apps found on in the Apple App or Google Play Store. I like the apps for beginners in particular because it creates an easy and seamless process for beginning something new! However, you can easily find meditation audios and videos on Spotify, Apple Music and YouTube. Once you get the hang of it, you can feel empowered in knowing that it is something you can do on your own as well.

My Challenge to You.

The studies that showed positive brain changes resulting from regular meditation only lasted 8 weeks. If you have difficult emotions, thoughts, everyday stress, or even if you simply wish to be your best self- my challenge to you is this: Begin today by meditating using one of the styles discussed in this article, if only for five minutes a day! Comment below “Om in” and then come back after consistent daily meditation for 8 weeks to share your own experience and findings.

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