Biking: 17 Benefits You Might Notice From Consistent Riding

Biking Is A Relatively New Invention.

I was surprised to find out that biking has only been around since 1817. There was a german baron (a baron is someone of the lowest noble order) named Karl von Drais. Well, Karl apparently decided he wanted to create a “running machine” and so he came up with the first device that would eventually become the modernized bike. This first archetype was lacking a chain, pedals and brakes. So, since there were no pedals- riders of the laufmaschine would propel themselves by repeatedly pushing their feet off of the ground. Kinda reminds me of the cars portrayed in the Flinstones! Over time, other inventors (such as Englishman John Kemp Starley) came along. Eventually, the safer, more practical, and effective two wheeled contraption we know today as a bicycle came into existence.

Cool Story- But What’s So Great About Biking?

What’s so great about biking you say? The benefits to our physical, mental and dare I even say spiritual health are extensive. Like all forms of exercise, your body and your brain profit from a regular cycling practice. Not only do you receive all the good endorphins, but you’re able to blow off steam in a fun and eco-friendly manner.

Let me preface this by saying when I talk about riding a bike I’m thinking of doing so outdoors. Because I am a huge supporter of exercising outside whenever possible (but that’s another post for another day).

inspirational quote on benefits of biking with background image of a vintage green bike with sunflowers in basket.

Benefits of Regular Bicycle Riding:

  1. Burns calories
  2. Builds, tones and strengthens muscles
  3. Strengthens heart (cardiovascular health)
  4. Improves balance and coordination
  5. Reduces risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes and stroke
  6. Increases stamina and endurance
  7. Improves sex drive
  8. Improves bowel function and health
  9. Enhances immune system function
  10. Increases blood flow and oxygen to the brain
  11. Releases feel good endorphins (thus helping with anxiety, depression and overall stress levels)
  12. Improves memory, focus and concentration
  13. Deeper, higher quality sleep
  14. Calms nervous system
  15. Possibly even lengthens lifespan
  16. Slows down the aging process
  17. Reduces risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease
albert einstein bicycle motivational quote with background of scenic fishing pier and miami green trek dual sport 2 bike

“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.”

Albert Einstein

How To Do It Right.

So how do you set yourself up for success? An important factor is to make sure you are using a bike that fits your body properly. Your toes should be able to touch the ground when your feet are off the pedals. When you’re pedaling it’s also crucial that your seat is high enough that you’re able to get almost full extension of your leg when at the bottom of the pedaling position. The best way to ensure that your bike is the right fit for you is to have it examined at a bike shop. Your knees, back, spine and neck will all thank you for having a correctly sized bike!!

What Are You Waiting For??

Now that you know all the reasons why you should, it’s time to get started and hop on that bike! Already an avid bike rider? Awesome. Ask yourself how you can achieve new milestones, and what you can do to increase your cycling skills. Maybe that means finding a new trail to explore. Or maybe it looks like riding an extra 1, 5 or 10 miles. The key to staying consistent with it is finding ways to keep in interesting. Because progress is fun, and sometimes finding ways to make our lives a little more fun is just what we needed. Drop a comment below sharing what benefit you would like to see, or have experienced from a regular cycling practice! (And remember to ride safe!!)

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