Rhodiola Rosea: 9 Incredible Benefits Of This Natural Herb

What is Rhodiola Rosea?

Have you heard about this super herb yet? Rhodiola Rosea is native to the cold, expansive mountains of Europe and Asia. The roots of this seemingly magical herb, contain a whopping 140 active ingredients! Even more interesting, it is also a type of adaptogen. Adaptogens are growing popularity as they are a natural yet effective plant source, known to help you adapt to everyday stressors when consumed.

“Every herbalist has their favorite herb. Mine is Rhodiola Rosea.”

-Chris Kilham

Now Let’s Look At All The Gifts This Yellow Flowered Plant Has to Offer.

Rhodiola Rosea is also known as: arctic root, golden root, king’s crown, and rose root, aaron’s rod, lignum rhodium & orpin rose.

Here’s what you have to gain from adding it to your daily supplementation!

1. Happier Mood

Many findings have shown that Rhodiola Rosea is capable of actually balancing neurotransmitters in your brain. This is fantastic news for anybody struggling with depression! Depression is said to be caused by the disruption of the chemicals (AKA neurotransmitters) in your brain. Research studies have even reported findings revealing that consistent use of Rhodiola Rosea can be compared to commonly used antidepressant Sertraline (Brand name: Zoloft). While Sertraline did prove to produce larger results in the individuals, Rhodiola Rosea had far less side effects.

2. Reduced Stress & Anxiety

Research findings have reported that Rhodiola Rosea can help decrease stress, anxiety and fatigue in as little as 3 days! This is largely thanks to the fact that it is (as was mentioned earlier) an adaptogen. Adaptogens are an amazing holistic resource that can help you better respond to expected and unexpected stressors. I don’t know about you, but if you’re like me then this is probably something that you would want to get 100% on board with!

3. Increased Energy

Who needs a cup of morning java when you have Rhodiola Rosea? I still love my morning cup of coffee, don’t get me wrong. But, Rhodiola Rosea is known for being an excellent supplement to help get rid of both mental and physical fatigue. Some people even ingest it in tea form! You can get some for yourself at a relatively inexpensive cost on Amazon Prime, here.

If you order some then please let me know how you like it, because I am dying to know. Better yet, I might just have to order some for myself after finishing this article!!

By the way, Dandy Blend is an excellent coffee alternative if you’re looking to cut back or cut out coffee. You can find my in depth article on it here.

4. Clearer Mind

Enhanced brain function? Yes please, sign me up. Fascinating enough, studies were done on night shift doctors. What they found is that this little herb helped them think, process and perform tasks better and more efficiently. Pretty impressive if you ask me!

5. Enhanced Performance

From athletes, to those who struggle to feel their best in the bedroom (if you catch my drift). Anyone can benefit from this naturally effective performance enhancing substance. Most notably, Rhodiola Rosea can help repair bone and muscular damage. It’s also capable of boosting both endurance and stamina.

6. Balanced Sugar Levels

First of all, let’s just get it out there that I would never recommend a diabetic reduce or eliminate their blood sugar medication without consulting their doctor. However, I would recommend Rhodiola Rosea supplementation if you struggle with imbalanced blood sugar levels and/or have been diagnosed with diabetes. Under the supervision of your doctor of course!

Studies were done on rats that had type 1 diabetes. (I personally don’t like animal testing, but that’s not the purpose of this article so let’s keep moving.) The good news is that these studies found Rhodiola Rosea was able to decrease the rats’ sugar levels! They believe this was achieved due to the fact that the herb heightened the number of glucose transporters in their hemoglobin (AKA, their blood).

7. May Fight Cancer

This is something I want everyone to know about. According to this PubMed study, Rhodiola Rosea stimulates the immune system and helps repair DNA. What they found this translates to, is that is actually a helpful and beneficial supplement for anyone raging a war against cancer. Of course, again, you would want to consult with your doctor before taking any medication (or supplement) while undergoing a cancer treatment program.

8. Anti-Aging Effects

Aging is an inherent and expected part of the great circle of life (where are my Lion King fans at?). The cool thing is, Rhodiola may in fact help us to do the whole aging dance in a more graceful manner. In Chinese Herbal Medicine, it has historically been used to help treat and alleviate symptoms of the following conditions commonly associated with getting older: Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, cerebrovascular disease, and cardiovascular disease. This means that this tiny yet mighty plant can help you not only in the present, but also in your far (or not so far off) future.

9. Relief from ADHD

Can Rosenroot (I just discovered, another name for Rhodiola) replace your ADHD medicine? I certainly don’t know about that. But one thing has definitely been reported, and that is that it can help with your ADHD related symptoms! We already know by now that it improves cognitive function and mental acuity.

Which by the way, a decline in mental acuity is not only frustrating but also bad for your health.

However, studies like this one reported that Rhodiola Rosea could may even be a suitable (and low cost) alternative to treating ADHD in the younger population.

Possible Side Effects From Using Rhodiola Rosea.

Side effects of Rhodiola Rosea are not common and when they do occur they usually aren’t very pronounced. But if you experience any side effects from taking it, you may have headache, dizziness, tiredness, stomach irritation and/or problems sleeping.

The likelihood of experiencing drowsiness is more common if using Rhodiola Rosea in conjunction with benzodiazepinesSSRIs, or SNRIs.

Also important to note, if you are taking any monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) then you should likely not add it to your daily supplementation. This is because Rhodiola has it’s own monoamine oxidase inhibitory activity, and could enhance the effects of your MAOIs to an unwanted degree.

My Personal Recommendation For Rhodiola Rosea.

To wrap this up, I’ve personally been taking a Rhodiola Rosea supplement for about two years now. I can attest that I, without a doubt, have noticed a positive impact in consuming it! I have more energy, greater mental clarity, improved mood and better athletic performance.

This is the exact brand I take and I keep coming back to it. I like it because it’s a good value, it’s 1000mg and it’s only 1 capsule per serving. I’ve tried a few others and none of them met my requirements and needs like this one consistently does.

Let Me Know How It Goes!

If you decide to order either of the Rhodiola Products I recommend in this piece, I want to hear all about it! Additionally, if you already have taken or are taking this super herb- how did you like it and did you find it worked for you as well as it has for me?

In case you missed the products linked in the article above, here they are again:

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Any and all comments and questions are welcomed and encouraged. I always respond to each one and I look forward to connecting with every one of you!

18 thoughts on “Rhodiola Rosea: 9 Incredible Benefits Of This Natural Herb”

  1. Anything that can help with my anxiety or clear up my brain fog I’ll definitely try! I’m starting to try natural remedies and this is definitely on the list.

  2. Right this morning I have seen a video that was talking about rhodiola rosea, then just appears by case your post, it seems a sign that I have to try it! thank you for the list, it is very useful

    • I didn’t either until a few years ago! Herbs have so many uses though!! They’re up there with essential oils in terms of “there’s one for just about any and everything” 🙂

  3. This is embarrasing as I never heard of this herb and Im intrigue now! I love all the benefits especially improving athletic performance.

    • Feel free to use the products linked in my post 🙂 I can’t personally vouge for the tea, but the capsules are the ones I prefer using over all others I’ve tried (and researched)!


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