25 Simple Happiness Hacks Guaranteed To Boost Your Mood

Is Happiness A Choice?

I’m sure you’ve heard it said, “happiness is a choice.” While it may sound harsh or even cold to tell this to someone struggling with crippling depression, there is overwhelming evidence to support that you do in fact have a good amount of say in the matter!

The Following Happiness Hacks Work, If You Do Them.

All the things I’m about to share with you will very possibly require you to push yourself to a certain extent. Deciding to choose happiness means that you will do at least some of the things suggested here, especially on the days you don’t feel like it! Because generally, these are the days you’re going to need to do them most.

It Only Takes 21 Days To Form A New Habit.

That being said, the good news is that scientific studies show it only takes 21 days consistently performing a new task to turn it into a habit!

Let’s take a second and really think about that. 21 days is only three weeks of consistent effort, before it starts simply feeling like a normal part of your day!! That’s not so bad in the grand scheme of things, now is it?

Finally Let’s Look At My 25 Happiness Hacks In Detail.

As you’re going over the list, take note of a few you could see you yourself doing consistently on a daily basis. I recommend keeping a mood journal like this one found on Amazon. With this, you’ll be able to accurately assess your average mood and happiness levels as time passes.

list of 25 happiness hacks simplified rainbow background
Is happiness homemade? Here you will find 25 science backed hacks all proven to enhance your mood and mindset.

Happiness Hacks, 1-25:

1. Practice Daily Gratitude For Peace, Contentment & Positivity.

Take 5 minutes out of your day to write down a minimum of 5 things that you are grateful for. This could be simple things like, “waking up to a new day” or “having a comfy bed” or “my morning cup of coffee.”

It doesn’t have to be complex or highly detailed! You also don’t have to write it down. Daily gratitude can be thought or spoken as well. It’s all up to you and what you feel is going to benefit you the most and be the most doable, for you. Countless studies (like this one referenced here!) have shown that a daily gratitude practice will increase the overall positivity and mood of the individual that perform this simple task.

2. Make Affirmations A Daily Practice For Neural Adaptation.

Here’s another personal favorite happiness hack of mine. Journaling, verbalizing or thinking positive affirmations are shown to greatly benefit you as well. These too can be as simple or complex as you want them to be.

Examples would be:

“I am strong.”

“I am safe.”

“Everything always works out.”

“I believe in myself.”

“I got this.”

Just look at these research findings by the NCBI! In laymen’s terms, daily affirmations have been shown to beneficially change the neuroplasticity of the brain. This is huge! The resulting factor is a major boost in your self confidence, self worth and general mindset.

I recommend doing a minimum of ten affirmations a day once you get the hang of it. But to start you can start with as little as one! I’ve also found that repeating the ones that you most want to feel and believe about yourself, on a recurring basis, will bring better and faster results.

3. Meditate For Increased Mindfulness & Self Awareness.

Next let us look at another simple yet often daunting (on the surface) happiness hack. When I suggest meditation to people that haven’t tried it, or have tried it but didn’t have the right guidancethey say they just can’t sit still long enough for it. Or they say they have too much anxiety to just sit there and keep a clear mind. Let me just say, I can 110% relate!! But this is why I personally needed to add a meditation practice to my daily routine.

Starting a daily meditation routine is actually easier than you might think! As little as 5 minutes a day has been shown to reduce stress levels, ease anxiety and increase your overall happiness. Not only that, but you will feel more compassionate, connected (with yourself as well as others) and confident.

Check out my article on Meditation (here’s the link for it!) to learn more.

4. Get Flexible With Yoga For Zen Mind, Body & Soul.

Yoga has my heart and soul. Seriously, this ancient practice is an intimate dance between the mind, body and soul. The beautiful thing about Yoga is that truly anyone can start regardless of how fit or flexible you are. Practicing yoga is said to tone the vagal nerve.

Why would you want to tone your vagal nerve?

Well, those with a toned vagal nerve are said to have more positive social interactions, happily balanced moods, and a stronger immune system.

I generally recommend my clients begin a daily yoga practice consisting of a minimum, 10 minutes a day. However if you would like more structure and guidance designed to meet you at whatever level you may be at, I will never stop recommending Adriene Mishler’s 30 Day “True” Yoga Challenge. It’s available for free on YouTube. It is my all time favorite and it is truly life changing! Find the first video embedded below.

Also, I wrote an article talking about the 15 amazing benefits of Yoga. If you are interested in hearing about them then you can find that post here!:

Click to Read: 15 Awe Inspiring Benefits of Yoga

5. Take Up Resistance Training For A Surge In Endorphins & Strength.

As a personal trainer, my top 23 hacks would be incomplete if I didn’t include Strength Training. Strength Training is an excellent way to blow off steam and reduce anxiety. A good weight training session is also sure to get a healthy dose of happy endorphins flowing through your veins!

Real quick, let’s dive a little deeper into the science behind it. Strength training gives your brain a boost of endorphins, dopamine, adrenaline and endocannabinoid. These chemicals make you happier, more competent, worry free and even make you less susceptible to feeling burdened by physical pain!

Do you want guidance, assistance and a solid plan from a highly qualified certified personal trainer? Not to toot my own horn, but I fit this bill! Feel welcome to contact me directly to receive a free consultation along with my professional recommendations:

Contact Me For Free Fitness Consult!

Read more about all the ways strength training an change your life for the better:

5 Key Reasons to Unleash your True Strength with Weight Training.

6. Eat A Healthy Diet For Balanced Hormones & Brain Chemicals.

Okay now please read this section carefully. When I say eat a healthy diet, I do not mean go on a diet. Dieting is no fun, and the results you’re going to get from a “7 Day Smoothie Reset” or a “14 Day Low Carb Challenge” are going to be short lived at best. Extreme, yo-yo and fad diets are not healthy for your mind, your organs or your waistline. (Subscribe to my newsletter if you want to be the first to hear when my relevant blog post on this topic is live!)

However, what is healthy is eating a balanced diet rich in whole foods. According to this study published by Psychosomatic Medicine, making positive changes to one’s diet significantly reduces symptoms of depression. And this is not the only study that has come to this conclusion! One key takeaway point I obtained in my own research of the studies, is that long term healthy eating seems to bring about the best results.

By the way, I’m also a Certified Nutrition Coach. I’m extremely passionate about healthy, sustainable eating. Click here to view my available Nutrition Coaching products and services!

7. Spend Time Outdoors For A Healthy Dose Of Ecotherapy.

Did you know that simply spending 20 minutes outside, doing basically nothing, can enhance your sense of well being? Studies like this one by The International Journal of Environmental Health Research found that simply sitting in a park improved the subject’s mood and outlook on life. So why not make it a point to get outside more to start bathing your eyes with the rich greens and blues associated with Ecotherapy!

8. Call A Friend Or Loved One For A Boost Of Oxytocin.

This next happiness hack is probably one you already know, but you might not really know. When you talk to a friend or family member, such as your mother- there are happiness hormones released! Apparently, researchers discovered that talking to your mom specifically, releases oxytocin into your bloodstream. Oxytocin is the chemical responsible for those warm fuzzy feelings you get from snuggling or cuddling with your special someone.

So if you’re in need of a pick me up, pick up that phone and shoot a call to your favorite family member. The best part? It’s something you can do anywhere, at anytime!

9. Spend Time With “Me, Yourself & I” For Solitude & Tranquility.

Fun fact, researchers surveyed the happiness levels of a large group of young adults. The ones living in highly populated cities were noticeably less happy than the ones living in the more rural areas. Alone time is actually said to help increase mindfulness and reduce stress.

If you’re more of an introvert, then I recommend spending time truly by yourself. Good ideas for doing this would be alone at home, a peaceful nature spot, or basically in any place where you’re less likely to experience human interaction for that (relatively short) period of time.

However if you have more of an extroverted personality, then it is a better idea to spend your “alone time” in a busier area! Some good spots to do this would be a bustling park, a quaint coffee shop or your favorite shopping mall.

10. Get Enough Sleep For Enhanced Memory, Attention & Brain Function.

Getting enough shut eye is more beneficial to mental health than you might know!

“Millions of us are living a less than optimal life and performing at a less than optimal level, impaired by an amount of sleep debt that we’re not even aware we carry.”

William Dement, PhD

Well renowned sleep researcher, William Dement, in fact used to prescribe sleep as medicine to his patients. And there are many doctors, psychologists and psychiatrists that do the same! Long term deprivation of sleep has been proven from multiple studies to cause serious decline in attentiveness, memory function and cognition.

So if it is in your power to do so, make it a point to get at least 7 hours of sleep every night! Some nights you might even need more. There’s a common mentality out there that sleep equates to laziness. However, the science supports that getting enough sleep is an essential element to having a healthy mental state.

11. Drink More Water For Increased Productivity & Well Being.

Surprisingly enough, dehydration is linked to heightened anxiety, depression, fatigue and brain fog! Studies have also shown that low hydration levels decrease your quality of sleep. We already know that sleep quality is paramount for a happy mood, so why not drink more water and free two birds with one key!

Want to hear more on all the benefits of simply increasing your daily water intake? Click here for my post on the 27 Reasons To Drink More Water.

12. Judge Less To Starve Your Egotistical Side.

When we judge others, we are inviting negative thoughts and emotions into our own minds. Jealousy is often the (hidden) root of judgement. No one is perfect, including ourselves. And when we begin judging, picking another to pieces, we are in fact feeding our ego. It brings about a deceitful sense of superiority that might feel satisfactory at first, but over time you’ll find that it’s shrouded in darkness. This darkness will eventually deplete you and prevent you from living and feeling your best.

Similarly, we can also be our own worst critic! Just like when we judge others, when we judge ourselves it tears apart our own sense of worth. Viewing ourselves in a negative light is very self destructive to our own psyche.

The best way to end judgement of others and of self? Is to practice acceptance and forgiveness. Judgement is an inevitable part of life. However, making the choice to see things through a lens of love instead of a lens of fear can make a world of difference in your own personal happiness.

13. Stop Comparing Yourself So You Can Focus On The Things That Truly Matter.

Haven’t you heard the saying, “comparison is the thief of joy”? Let me just point out the obvious. There is always going to be someone who is a step ahead of you, in some way. However, this does not mean that they are better than you. It’s simply a result of the fact that we are all on our own paths in life.

Research has found that those who are in the habit of comparison find less satisfaction when complimented, if their peers also did well in the same area. On the other hand, those who are not in the habit of comparing themselves to others, were able to derive much pleasure when praised for their accomplishments. Regardless of how well (or not well) their peers (or potential competition) did in the same area.

The bottom line is that comparison is an ugly, distracting and degrading form of self harm. And the more we can prevent ourselves from letting it dictate our thoughts, feelings and emotions? The happier, more content and fulfilled we’ll be.

14. Change Your Life By Making Your Bed Every Morning.

One of my best friends, Taydra, encouraged me several years back to begin making my bed every morning. I was going through some stuff back then and she thought it would help create a little balance in my life. Let me tell you. When I say this is a powerful and life changing act that you can start doing today, I’m not kidding!!

Making your bed every morning sends a message to your subconscious that even the smallest things in life can bring you great joy and accomplishment. It also helps instill a sense of control and autonomy. According to Psychology Today, a survey revealed that 71 percent of bed makers consider themselves happy. Conversely, 62 percent of non-bed-makers reported feelings of unhappiness!

It takes a maximum of 60 seconds to make your bed (in most cases it’s even less!). Sometimes reminding ourselves of this little fact can give us the push we need to get something so easily accomplished done. This way, we can start the day off on a positive note.

15. Watch A Movie For Refined Perspective.

For starters, having a movie night is an entertaining and relaxing activity to do alone or with loved ones. However, studies have shown that there could be a multitude of psychological benefits! While trying to understand their findings as a whole, I found a common theme. Apparently, watching movies helps us to get out of our own mind and see things in a new light.

I’m sure you’ve been in a situation before, where you couldn’t see the the forest through the trees (metaphorically speaking). Sometimes we just can’t see a personal situation or predicament for what it is, simply for the fact that we are in fact too close up to it (again, metaphorically speaking)! Watching a movie with a good underlying moral theme, or subjective message, has a strong ability to help us with this.

As technology has advanced, screen time and TV watching has been very much demonized over recent years. However it’s important to remember that movies and theater are a form of art. While I’m a strong believer that too much of a good thing can be a bad thing, a little screen time here and there can be a great way to give your mind the mental break (and happiness boost!) it needs.

16. Gain Intellectual & Emotional Benefits By Reading A New (Or Old) Book.

Studies show that getting lost in a good book can be a significant source of stress relief! Even just six minutes a day has the potential to bring down your stress levels as much as 60%. Reading relaxes your muscles, reduces heart rate and increases peace of mind. If you need further proof that reading can help increase your overall levels of happiness, check out Bibliotherapy. Reading, writing and story telling is good not only for your brain intellectually speaking, but also on an emotional level. Six minutes a day- that’s all it takes!

I’ve been a subscriber of Kindle Unlimited for several years now, and I love it! It’s so easy and convenient to read anytime from my phone, tablet or computer. Kindle Unlimited also keeps track of my reading habits, and keeps me up to date on all the latest and best reviewed books relative to my personal preferences. Most people I know already have it, but if you’re one of the few that don’t then you can get 2 months for FREE by clicking this link!!

Audible is also a great option if you prefer to learn audibly instead of visually. Amazon is offering a great trial for that as well, and all you have to do is click this link to sign up!

17. Volunteer At A Local Charity To Feel More Connected To Yourself, And Others.

Researchers have found that the more we share our gifts, talents and abilities- the happier and more fulfilled we feel. Volunteering helps foster connection with others while improving social and skills. It also is good for your mind and body! They found that those who regularly volunteered were less depressed, happier and didn’t experience symptoms of anxiety as severe or as often. It can also have the added benefits of increasing your self confidence, providing unexpected career opportunities and helping you feel a sense of purpose.

There’s a multitude of ways to find volunteer opportunities both virtually and locally. But if you’re in a pinch and looking for an easy solution, then VolunteerMatch is a great site to find events such as these. And, it’s absolutely free to use their site!

18. Smile More Often To Tell Your Brain You’re Abounding With Happiness.

Sometimes faking it until you make it is necessary to push yourself to where you want to be. This applies to many areas in life, but in the case of forcing smiles there’s even scientific evidence to back it up!

Regardless of if it’s genuine, smiling sends signals to your brain that causes it to release happiness chemicals such as dopamine and serotonin. Not only does smiling help you feel happier, it’s also good for boosting your immune system.

And as if all this isn’t enough to motivate you to smile more often? Smiling can also lower your blood pressure and heart rate! So basically, your whole being is going to thank you in response to such a simple and organic act 🙂

19. Plan A Vacation For Pleasant Anticipation.

It’s all over the web as of late- planning a vacation causes you to feel happy. While a vacation can be great for broadening your horizons (body & mind), as it turns out the anticipation of a pending vacation could be even better! And actually? Researchers found that people have the highest levels of joy in the time leading up to a vacation. I was initially surprised to learn that those heightened levels of contentment drastically reduced upon the vacationers’ return. But it makes sense once you give it some thought!

I think part of it could have to do with goal setting. Setting goals (such as a vacation) are known for giving you a sense of purpose, direction and meaning. If you don’t regularly sit down and set goals for yourself, I highly recommend starting (like, today)! You can purchase my Ultimate Goal Planner to do just this.

Perhaps the best remedy for ensuring you don’t experience a gnarly dopamine crash upon your bittersweet return? Make it a point to plan another vacation in the not so distant future.

20. Give Your Car A Good Cleaning Happy Body & Mind.

First things first. I want you to know I used to be, really messy. I was honestly a complete slob. And it didn’t bother me at all! Or at least, I didn’t think it did. However, in hindsight I realize I dealt with episodes of depression and anxiety a lot growing up. Once I became an adult and my daughters got out of the baby stage, I was inspired to start keeping a clean car. It felt very freeing and brought me an immense sense of satisfaction.

So I was not phased in the least when I read that there are health and mood benefits to keeping a clean vehicle. And it really doesn’t take long to give your car a good sprucing inside and out. Especially if you’re already on top of it!

Studies show that a clean car can reduce upper respiratory ailments by providing a more hygienic living space. It lowers cortisol levels which in turn reduces stress and anxiety. Consequentially, all these benefits in turn boost your energy and mood!

Personally I like using the self serve car washes because they’re the most wallet friendly, they’re less likely to scratch my car, and I get a good little workout in. Click here to search for one near you.

21. Tackle Any Clutter In Your Home For A Sense Of Accomplishment.

This one goes hand in hand with number 20, but this is a much bigger project! Keeping a clean and clutter free home has been proven to be extremely beneficial to your sense of well being. Clutter sends messages to the brain of unfinished business. This can spark feelings of defeat, anxiety and helplessness.

What I’ve found is that cleaning up and decluttering is often easier done than said. (Yes I said that right!) Talking about it and putting it off only makes it feel like a bigger task than it needs to be. Just start somewhere and you’ll discover that it all begins to flow naturally. Before you know it you’ll have a home that brings you peace and a sense of accomplishment. To read more about the connection between mental health and cleaning, check out this article by VeryWellMind.

22. Listen To Happy Music To Smile From The Inside Out.

Ever had one of those moments where you’re down in the dumps, when an upbeat song comes on and suddenly things don’t feel quite so gloomy? Well there’s (of course) science to explain this phenomenon! Studies have shown that it only takes as little as 9 minutes of hearing an uplifting tune to turn that frown upside down. This is because that’s approximately how long it’s estimated before our brains begin producing dopamine. What’s even more cool? Our brains may start pumping dopamine in response to a familiar (happy) song even faster!

I recommend having a “happy” playlist, or writing down in a notepad your favorite “happy, feel good” songs. That way, when you need it most you can just hit play or pull up the songs quickly, and without much thought. In my experience, it really can do wonders to brighten your day.

23. Get Dressed For The Day To Get Inspired.

Regardless of if you have plans to actually leave the house for the day, many professionals report mental benefits in getting dressed regardless of your plans (or lack thereof). Getting spruced up on a recurring basis can help motivate and inspire you. Whereas habitually staying in pajamas or sweats can impact your mindset in a negative way.

However, that’s not to say that you need to be going all out. It all comes down to being intentional about how you decide to operate for the day- everyday. So in regards to grooming and apparel choices: Ask yourself each morning, “what is going to make me feel the most comfortable and confident?” And then do those things!

24. Take A Relaxing Bath For Total Body Healing.

Generally, I personally do not like taking baths. I feel like the water gets too cold, too fast. There’s also something about just laying there- it simply doesn’t sound relaxing to me!! But when done correctly? A bath is the epitome of self care. I’m talking essential oils, bath salts, candles, bubbles and peace inducing sounds. A properly executed bath helps with anxiety, depression, stress, muscle aches, joint pain and wound healing. It can be a lot of work to initially set up, but give it a try and you won’t be disappointed!

25. Improve Your Posture For Alignment in Body & Spirit.

Last but not least, my last happiness hack for you is extremely easy in theory. But as we all learn in life, some things are easier said than done. In this tech centered day and age, everyone has a reason to be slouched or looking down multiple times a day. This can cause strain in your neck and upper back muscles, creating what’s known in the physio world as Upper Crossed Syndrome. And it’s easily identifiable in the form of poor posture.

Researchers have revealed that confidence and mental health are easily improved by holding oneself in an anatomically correct manner. This means sitting (standing, walking, running, etc.) upright: with head, torso and hips in a “stacked” fashion. Studies show that those who did this experienced more efficient short-term memory, brain function, self-assurance and boosted energy levels.

Choose The Happiness Hacks That Speak To You.

It’s not expected that you’re going to immediately (if ever, even) pick up all 25 happiness hacks listed in this post! So choose the ones that speak to you, and give them a try. Pick a few (ones you don’t currently do) that you feel confident you’ll be able to make a habit of consistently, for at least a few weeks. Take note and keep track of how you feel in the process of doing so, and then make changes as you see fit.

If you need some help, accountability or guidance with it- that’s what I do! So feel free to reach out to me directly. I’m here to help!!

One More Thing!

Before you go, be sure to drop a comment below sharing your favorite happiness hacks. Maybe there’s a few (or a lot!) you already do on your own. Maybe I skipped sharing something that has helped bring you great joy. I want to hear about it! Sharing our experiences is one way to spread some positivity and inspiration in the lives of others. So go ahead and make your presence known. I look forward to hearing from you!

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14 thoughts on “25 Simple Happiness Hacks Guaranteed To Boost Your Mood”

  1. It is only recently that I discovered my “me, myself, and I” routine and it gives me sooo much happiness focusing on nourishing activities for my soul. Thanks for sharing this Mae ❤

    • Thank you!! Yes… learning the self awareness and emotional regulation required to respond vs. react. I believe this is an essential element of true personal empowerment and lifelong fulfillment. I know some days it comes more naturally for me than other days, but it’s something I will never stop trying to become better at <3

  2. Comparison truly is the thief of joy! That one stuck out to me as leaving corporate life which was SO FULL of that positioning and forced competition. I love the whole article- thanks for the uplifting read this morning!

  3. I love every single one of these!! Each one is something small , and altogether you can see such a huge boost in your mood! I like that you mentioned a habit takes 21 days, because people often look for a quick fix. This takes practice daily! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Planning a trip brings me so much joy! It brings me almost as much joy as the trips themselves. From a daily perspective, I try to stay hydrated.

  5. I love all the tips, simple and straight to the point. Even with limited travels, it’s important to still dress up nicely even if you are only dining outside.


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