17 Benefits Of Oil Pulling & Why You Should Start Today!

A simple, ancient and revered Ayurvedic practice. Meant to both improve oral health, as well as strengthen and build a healthy immune system.

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What is Oil Pulling?

First of all, what is oil pulling? Oil pulling is in fact an ancient Ayurvedic dental practice. It involves gargling a tablespoon of oil around in your mouth for 10-20 minutes, preferably first thing in the morning. But before you go and grab a spoonful of canola oil, I suggest you keep reading!

Why Oil Pull? Benefits and Effects.

You’ll find the reasons to oil pull are actually pretty compelling. Not only is it proposed to help improve gum health and whiten teeth, it can also alleviate allergies, clear up skin and boost overall immune system function.

Here’s a list of 17 benefits related to Oil Pulling:
1. Whitens teeth
2. Prevents cavities & gingivitis
3. Eliminates bacteria contributing to bad breath
4. Strengthens teeth, gums & jaw
5. Lessens headaches & migraines
6. Relieves hangovers
7. Improves allergies
8. Detoxifies the body
9. Helps with acne, breakouts & other skin issues
10. Clears sinuses
11. Balances hormones
12. Boosts immune system
13. Reduces inflammation
14. Moisturizes lips and throat
15. Increased energy

16. Decrease in asthmatic symptoms
17. Stabilize blood sugar levels

How Does Oil Pulling Help?

Okay that’s a long list and if you’re like me you might be thinking it sounds too good to be true. (But if you’re like me, you’re also probably thinking it couldn’t hurt to try!) In short? It’s said that swishing the purified oils around in your mouth will help to draw out unhealthy toxins from your gum tissues, while leaving the healthy bacteria undisturbed. Meanwhile, the Ayurvedic claims even go as far as to state that different sections of the tongue are all connected to various organs in the body.

Oil pulling is a powerful detoxifying Ayurvedic technique that has recently become very popular as a CAM remedy for many different health ailments. Using this method, surgery or medication could be prevented for a number of chronic illnesses. The oil therapy is preventative as well as curative. The exciting aspect of this healing method is its simplicity. Ayurveda advises oil gargling to purify the entire system; as it holds that each section of the tongue is connected to different organ such as to the kidneys, lungs, liver, heart, small intestines, stomach, colon, and spine, similarly to reflexology and TCM.

Asokan S. Oil pulling therapy. Indian J Dent Res. 2008;19:169. [PubMed] [Google Scholar]

What Oils Work Best For Oil Pulling?

Traditionally, oil pulling was typically used with sesame oil. However, you can also use olive oil, coconut oil, sunflower oil or hemp oil. Most importantly, you want to make sure the oil you use is organic, unrefined, extra virgin, cold-pressed and 100% pure. In accordance, stay away from any oils that do not meet the above recommended criteria. Also stay away from soybean oil, canola oil, corn oil and cottonseed oil.

Keep scrolling and below you will find some oils I personally recommend. The best part is, these can easily be ordered off of Amazon!!

  • Garden of Life Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil – Unrefined Cold Pressed Plant Based Oil for Hair, Skin & Cooking, 14 Oz
    This is the one I have come back to time and time again for oil pulling, and is my personal favorite. Coconut oil is antibacterial, antifungal and abounding in healthy fats.

  • Kevala Organic Extra Virgin Sesame Oil 12oz (BPA-free plastic bottle)
    Sushi lovers unite! I get a strong craving for my favorite food when I get a whiff of this incredible oil. Sesame oil is high in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, and that’s only brushing the surface.

  • Daana Organic Sunflower Oil for Skin: Extra Virgin, Cold Pressed (12 fl oz)
    Made from my favorite flower, sunflower oil is rich in Vitamin A and E. Like all the oils recommended here, it’s high in antioxidants and regenerative properties.

  • Nutiva Organic Cold-Pressed Unrefined Hemp Oil, 24 Ounce
    Another amazing oil expressed from the ever popular and controversial plant known as Cannabis! Hemp oil is chock full of healthy Omega 3 and 6 fats, not to mention all nine essential amino acids. This is one of the oils I use on my face, but you can use it to oil pull as well!

Here’s How You Oil Pull!

Now that we have an oil picked out, it’s time to talk about the best way to go about oil pulling! Generally, it’s recommended to oil pull immediately upon waking. I recommend having a glass of water first (or 32 ounces if you’re following my recommended daily water consumption schedule), but then before you eat or ingest anything else go ahead and plop a dallop of your chosen oil in your mouth and begin swishing. Additionally, since oil pulling helps with the effects of flossing, I also will generally floss beforehand.

So here’s what a typical oil pulling morning routine should look like:

  • Wake up!
  • Drink 8-32oz of water
  • Floss between each tooth
  • Place a spoonful of 100% pure oil in your mouth
  • Begin vigorously swishing and continue to do so for 10-20 minutes
  • After the recommended time has elapsed, spit oil out into the trash or toilet (this is important because trust me when I say it will clog your sink, bath and/or shower drains!!)
  • Now quickly, don’t swallow any remaining residue (remember, it’s full of toxins that were just drawn from your body and the whole purpose of this process is to get these out) and thoroughly brush your teeth.
  • That’s it!!! It’s as simple as swish, spit and brush!

Some important notes!:

  • If you’re using coconut oil, don’t be surprised if the oil is hardened at first. It will melt within a couple minutes as it responds to your body temperature.
  • Also, don’t be discouraged if you can only bear to swish for 5 minutes in the beginning. The texture can be off putting for some at first, but like all acquired tastes and sensations it’s something you can and will get used to! (I even have come to enjoy the silky sensation of it in my mouth after having done it for so many years now.)

In conclusion…

To conclude, I’ve been oil pulling myself for nearly 8 years now. I can personally attest to the benefits that I myself have experienced from doing it. Off the top of my head I can say I definitely have clearer sinuses, less headaches, reduced skin blemishes, healthier gums, decreased tooth staining and dare I say more energy?? Any time I’ve stopped practicing kavala, I’ve had a resurgence in the symptoms oil pulling was helping to alleviate. As you can imagine, for me the evidence is clear as day! So give it a go yourself (and be patient, give it at least two weeks) and then drop a comment below sharing your experience!

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