13 Weird Covid-19 Symptoms To Watch For

It Was the Best of Times, It Was the Worst of Times.

It was my birthday, December 31st. As if 2020 hadn’t been kind enough already to me, it was also the day I tested positive for Covid-19. I knew I had been exposed and had been quarantined for nearly a week at that point. Up until this point, all rapid tests had come back negative. I also had no symptoms at first. I have O negative blood type and had read people with my blood type have a lesser chance of coming down with Coronavirus. Or if they do, then they have little to no symptoms. If only I could be so lucky!

“What seems to us as bitter trials are often blessings in disguise.”

Oscar Wilde

I Thought I Was In The Clear, but Then Covid-19 Hit Me.

I didn’t come down with tell tale Covid-19 symptoms for a whole week after being exposed. At first they were subtle. I suffer from allergies so I thought maybe the cold weather was just causing a flare up. But then I started to almost feel as though I was drugged? And the drug was the flu?? Oh and my chest hurt! I had some normal, expected symptoms. However, I also had some not so expected symptoms, keeping scrolling to read all about them:

1. The Burning Headaches Were Unbelievable.

The burning headaches were unbelievable. Oh my god, this was probably my least favorite. Although really, it’s hard to choose. My nose, my throat, behind my eye sockets, and my forehead felt as though they had been doused in battery acid?? It’s a hard sensation to describe, but I think this comes pretty close. This weird Covid-19 symptom started midway into my quarantine period and persisted for I’d say 7 days. I noticed it would start to show up about midday and then get progressively worse as the day went on.

2. I Lost My Sense of Smell and Taste.

I lost my sense of smell and taste. This lovely and weird, but not so unexpected, symptom kicked in on the day of my birthday. I had just sat down with my birthday Starbucks cup of coffee. It was my first time trying the Macro Barista‘s Starbucks Chestnut Praline Latte recipe, and that was when I realized it tasted like hot water. It smelled good- or did it? By the third sniff, Covid-19 made sure that I couldn’t even smell it. It was as though I was quickly (or was it slowly?) transcending into an alternate reality. One where flavors and scents did not exist.

4. I Was Tired and Weak Feeling AF.

I was tired and weak feeling AF. This is another common and expected Corona side effect. However, it’s a weird feeling because it’s as though your mind is telling you there’s no way you’re tired after doing literally nothing all day. But then you get up to go to the kitchen to eat some food (that you can’t even taste) and your body feels like it would after having just ran a marathon by the time you get there!

5. I Experienced Moments of Extreme Irritability & Anxiety.

I experienced moments of extreme irritability and anxiety. One example is when I had to be a passenger in the car while sick with Covid. It was not a pleasant experience. Thoughts such as the following went through my brain:

“Oh my god that car’s going to hit us.”

“Why in the f*** are they driving so fast?!”

“Could the sun BE any brighter??”

Doing simple tasks on my phone annoyed me. I didn’t have patience. I didn’t feel like myself. And I didn’t know when it would end.

6. My Chest, My Lungs- They Hurt!

My chest, my lungs- they hurt! Like I said before, walking from the living room to the kitchen was a physical exertion. My chest hurt and it was like my lungs were working in overdrive. But I couldn’t cough. I would try to, because it felt like the answer. But then if anything, it only felt as though it was adding to the inflammation of my bronchial tubes. It hurt to breathe and even my trusty, last resort in cases like these– Mucinex D, wasn’t helping.

7. My Sinuses Were Not Happy.

My sinuses were not happy. Thankfully, I was not painfully congested. I could breathe out of my nose. But it was so sniffly, and I kept having to wipe it. And again, the mucus burned. It burned in my nose and it burned going down the back of my throat in the form of postnasal drip. It was as though I had radioactive snot taking up residence in my sinus passages. My sinuses weren’t happy, and neither was I.

8. I Had REALLY Dry Eyes.

I had REALLY dry eyes. For 5 years I have worn contacts on a daily basis- and they very rarely ever give me any noteworthy problems. However, for the entire two weeks of being sick with Covid, I could not wear them. My eyes felt like sandpaper, and I could not stop blinking. Eye drops were futile. So I had no choice but to rock my glasses if I wanted to see clearly. But, keep in mind, my irritability was up. And I already dislike the confining aspect of glasses (having to look through such a “small” frame). So more often than not I just walked around half blind. It was a fun time.

9. I Felt Like I Was Going To Vomit.

I felt like I was going to vomit. This symptom only happened the day I lost my sense of taste and smell. (AKA, on my birthday. Happy birthday to me.) The world felt “spinny” and I almost felt as though I had been drugged. This actually occurred within the hour before my taste and smell senses started to fade. It was a strong and disorienting sensation. I’m glad it was short-lived.

10. Covid-19 Made Me Feel As Though My Skin Was On Fire.

I felt like my skin was on fire. This weird symptom is not to be confused with the burning headache! My skin felt as though it was on fire, and it was hot to the touch and reddish pink in hue to the eye. Surprisingly, it didn’t itch (see the next paragraph for that one), but I guess it’d be accurate to say that it felt like I had an extremely damaging sunburn. This feeling would come and go throughout the day and it lasted probably 3 weeks! I believe it was more prevalent early on in the day.

11. I Broke Out In Hives.

I broke out in hives. Ah, yes, hives my old friend. I’ve always had a pretty overactive immune system when it comes to allergies and allergenic skin reactions. While sick with COVID, I would randomly break out in hives. Sometimes it would only last 5 minutes. Never more than 30 minutes. At times the hives would appear in the form of large blotchy red patches. Other times, they looked more prickly and rash like. And to go along with their lack of consistency, sometimes (only sometimes) they would come along in conjunction with “the skin on fire” symptom.

12. I Had What I Can Only Describe As Corona Brain.

I had what I can only describe as corona brain. My brain felt absolutely scrambled. I wondered, is this virus killing my brain cells?? Because let me tell you, I could not think straight. Successfully finishing sentences was a feat in itself. This took 2-3 weeks to entirely go away as most of the symptoms did.

13. I Had Irritated Gums and Canker Sores.

I had irritated gums and canker sores. Last on my list of weird COVID-19 symptoms- I thought it was fitting that I end with unlucky #13. Not only were my gums were inflamed, but I had little sore bumps all over the tissues in my mouth. It hurt and was annoying and uncomfortable. It’s truly no wonder that I was in such a bad mood while sick with it!!

Want to hear more personal accounts of Covid-19? I was thinking the exact same thing when I came across this video by Amber Alpine. Listen and watch as she relays what it was like for both her and her husband when they came down with it last year!:

It Took Me a Few Weeks to Sincerely Feel Normal Again.

It took me a few weeks to sincerely feel normal again. I believe that proper exercise, nutrition and a good mindset helped me get back to my ability to function normally within a timely manner. But, it was definitely a few weeks before all of these symptoms completely dissipated. I’m extremely grateful for the experience though, because it gave me the time and space to re-examine what I want out of life. I found motivation and hope in the midst of extreme mental and physical discomfort. I also count myself lucky that I didn’t experience some of the more deadly symptoms that others have experienced with COVID-19.

What about you? Have you tested positive for COVID-19? What strange symptoms did you experience? Drop a comment below!

PS: Did you know that a healthy diet is one of the most surefire ways to build (and maintain) a healthy immune system? I’m a certified nutrition coach, and I just so happen to have a ready to download healthy eating nutrition guide on sale in my shop! Click here to get yours today!

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