Sleeping Outside: 11 Health Benefits Of Camping

Sleeping Outside Is An Underrated Form of Therapy.

Sleeping outside (or camping) is an underrated form of therapy. Sometimes all we need is a mental reset. It’s those moments in life when we need to prove to ourselves that we’re stronger than we know. More capable than we might realize. Sleeping outside allows you to remove yourself from your present surroundings, and remind you of the things that truly matter.

“Of all the paths you take in life, make sure a few of them are dirt.”

John Muir
A nature scene depicting a peaceful creek with a fallen tree bridge. "Of all the paths you take in life, make sure a few of them are dirt" John Muir quote about outdoors

The Benefits of Sleeping Outside are Numerous.

The benefits of camping are numerous. Maybe you want to escape the constant bombardment of modern day technology. Or, perhaps you could benefit from having an inexpensive weekend getaway with the family. On the flipside, possibly its a solo retreat to get in touch with yourself. Whatever the case may be for you at this point in time, there are many edifying benefits that come from going camping!

1. The Air Is Cleaner Out In The Wilderness.

Here we have reason numero uno on why you should sleep outside. The fact of the matter is that the air is cleaner out in the wilderness. Did you know that spending time outdoors, away from the pollution of the bustling city is good for you?? Of course you did. But just in case there were any unanswered questions in regards to this, let me do my best to clear them up for you. When you spend time breathing in cleaner air: your lungs, brain and blood are able to take in cleaner, fresher oxygen. This not only boosts your energy levels, mental clarity, ability to focus and your digestive system function. But it also speeds up your body’s healing abilities. Pretty cool right?

2. Dopamine Levels Will Rise.

Dopamine levels will rise. Sleeping outside will cause your dopamine levels to rise. We are natural beings at our core. So it should come as no surprise that our bodies actually thrive from frequent movement and changes in scenery- specifically scenery outdoors. Studies support that when dopamine levels rise, our moods and ability to function as happy, productive members of society go up with them. Sure, you might not be getting any tangible tasks accomplished while on your actual camping trip. The good news is, according to these facts, you’ll actually be able to get more done once you return from your getaway!

3. Inflammation Throughout The Body Goes Down.

Inflammation is at an all time high these days. Are you tired all the time? Used to experiencing random, annoying aches and pains on a daily basis? Has nasal congestion just become an expected part of your existence? What about pesky, uncomfortable digestive issues?? These are not normal sensations and are often signs pointing to increased inflammation throughout your body. The good news is, sleeping outside can help decrease inflammation! This is largely thanks to camping helping to reduce oxidative stress (an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants) within our bodies.

4. A Change in Scenery Does the Mind (& Body) Good.

"a change in scenery does the mind & body good" quote. Camp site with an SUV and tent at sunset

Chances are, you’re not used to spending an entire 24 hours solely out in the wilderness! Whether you’re a homebody or a social butterfly, the truth of the matter is that we human beings are in essence meant to undertake new experiences. Our brains, our bodies, and our overall health benefits greatly from changes in scenery. I honestly believe that we are not on this earth to simply live stagnant, boring lives. Read up on topics such as general adaptation syndrome and neuroplasticity. What you will find is that science supports the notion that our physical and mental health largely benefit from new stimuli and new experiences!

5. You’ll Be Forced To Take a Digital Detox.

You’ll be forced to take a digital detox. The morning after our first camping trip, my technologically savvy 7 year old daughter exclaimed to me that she did not even miss being on her electronics! She was shocked (and so was I!) that she actually could have fun simply going hiking, telling ghost stories, stargazing and making s’mores by the campfire. While I did get my phone out to take some pictures and respond to a few texts- it was a nice feeling being free of my smart watch and not feeling pressured to immediately respond to texts and emails.

6. Sleeping Outside Helps You Hone Your Problem Solving Skills.

Your problem solving skills are sure to be tested when you decide to venture spending the night outdoors! Life is always throwing the unexpected at us, and camping is no different. Kind of like training a muscle or an exercise movement, problem solving skills strengthen with practice. Air mattress won’t blow up? Double up on some comforters and make your own sleeping cot! Forgot to bring a towel? Use that pair of shorts that you were going to just throw in the “dirty clothes” compartment of your camping backpack. Hiking trail come to an apparent dead end? I assure you it’s not a dead end, unless you allow it to be. Because where there’s a will there is always a way.

Are you prepared to spend the night outdoors? You might need less than you think! Learn what camping essentials to pack from this quick video by Athena Mellor:

7. You Become One With Nature.

There’s something about being outside that just makes me feel like I’m home. Sitting on the bare ground. Feeling the sun’s warmth against my skin. Hearing and being grazed by the gentle breeze. The trees dance and sway in the wind. And if you listen for them, you’ll hear the birds singing their songs without shame or fear of other’s opinion. The squirrels appear so careless yet certain as they hop and jump from branch to trunk to ground. It’s all so peaceful and freeing. And if you’re quiet and still enough, you’ll feel as though you belong too. I think deep down that’s what we all desire, to feel at peace, and one with our surroundings- free of judgement. Sleeping outside helps you to become one with nature.

8. While Sleeping Outside, You May Experience Some Crazy (& Inspiring) Dreams.

Sleeping outside certainly had this effect on me. It’s true, they do say you sleep better when you go camping. It can even out your circadian rhythm. Additionally, being in such a natural environment can allow you to drift soundly into deeper levels of sleep. For me, I experienced groundbreakingly vivid dreams- from eagles soaring overhead to walking through a field with cows and daisies. Vivid dreaming has been shown to improve your memory, boost creativity, and strengthen overall brain function.

9. Sleeping Outside Gives You Perspective.

sleeping outside gives you perspective. two young girls lost in deep conversation while enjoying smores by the campfire

Sleeping outside gives you perspective as far as what really matters in life. It reminds you that we really don’t need much to survive, it’s the small things in life that can supply us with the most happy moments. And less is often more. Furthermore, in revealing to us how little we in actuality need to thrive- it allows us to grow a greater appreciation for the abundance that we do have.

10. You Get To Exercise In Unconventional Ways.

Most outdoor excursions will inevitably get you exercising and moving in unconventional ways. Camping can take it to a whole new level however! Lugging heavy backpack and camping supplies. Hiking winding trails, climbing over bumpy logs, and splashing through crystal clear ravines. Hell, I could tell I was using muscles I wasn’t used to using simply from sleeping on the ground. These are all good things though. Those forgotten, underused muscles are just one of the many ways we can tap into power and strength we didn’t even realize we possessed!

11. You’ll Relish in A Newfound Sense of Accomplishment.

Honestly, when is the last time you can recall sleeping outside? Most of us are accustomed to sleeping tucked away in our comfy beds, behind locked doors, with a solid roof overhead. If you’re like the majority of us, sleeping outside will require you to push outside of your comfort zone. This is why, at the end of any good camping trip, you will leave with a newfound sense of accomplishment. Because for one or two, or however many nights you choose to spend your sleepover in the woods– you proved to yourself that you can survive on the bare necessities. And odds are, you will leave feeling refreshed, renewed in spirit, and ready to take on the world again.

Share Your Experience With Sleeping Outside Below!

What benefits did you personally experience from your own camping adventures? Did you learn new things about yourself? What challenges did you have to face and how did you overcome them?? Share you experiences in the comments below!

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4 thoughts on “Sleeping Outside: 11 Health Benefits Of Camping”

  1. Camping has always been therapy!
    I’ve gotten away from it the last few years and am glad I read this.
    It re-inspired me.
    Now to set some camping dates in the very near future!


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