Herbal Aromatherapy: The 15 Best Essential Oils To Use

Let Me Introduce To You My Little Friend, Aromatherapy.

Herbal Aromatherapy has gotten a lot of traction in the past decade or so. However, it’s practice dates back hundreds of thousands of years! Specifically known for it’s many health and mental benefits, it does this all with the incorporation of essential oils. There really is no wonder it’s still around, and seemingly going nowhere! The best essential oils can boost both your physical and emotional being. Amazingly, this is achieved by using nothing but natural plant extracts.

Fun Fact: Before the turn of the 19th century, medical doctors all over the world used essential oil therapy (Herbal Aromatherapy) to treat various ailments and disease.

History of aromatherapy

Essential Oil Use & Application Methods.

What’s more, the benefits of herbal aromatherapy can be gained by oral, topical or olfactory application. For instance, you can actually ingest by mouth (only a drop or two does the trick!). Be that as it may, the more common implementation consists of applying to skin or inhalation. However it is critically important to note that essential oils are concentrated and very strong. So you almost always want to dilute it before use.

Common products used with essential oils include but are not limited to:

  • diffusers
  • sprays
  • inhalers
  • bath salts
  • body oils, creams, or lotions
  • steamers
  • hot or cold compresses
  • body wraps
  • facial masks

“I’ve got 99 problems, but essential oils solved like 87 of them.”


Unquestionably, Herbal Aromatherapy Has Many Benefits.

Without a doubt the recorded benefits of essential oils are vast and numerous. Even so, many claims are unproven if you want to get technical about it. Nevertheless, the growing number of people that swear by them say otherwise!

The Benefits of Using Essential Oils:

  • enhanced sleep quality
  • depression relief
  • reduced PMS symptoms
  • markedly calmer state of mind
  • better joint mobility
  • less discomfort caused from cancer treatments
  • reduced labor pains
  • antibacterial
  • antifungal
  • antiviral
  • better digestive system function
  • immune system boost
  • lessen symptoms of asthma
  • pain relief
  • decreased insomnia
  • more energy
  • anti inflammatory
  • better nerve function
  • treat headaches and migraines
  • improved blood flow
  • hair growth
  • improved skin and nail health
  • improved sex drive and performance
  • eases arthritis pain
  • menopause relief

Another Key Point, There Are Different Uses For Different Oils.

What’s more, there is almost always a specific herbal oil for every need, ailment or concern. As a matter of fact this is one of the things that I just love about Aromatherapy!

For example, trouble sleeping?
Lavender oil will help with calm your nerves!

Whenever a chest cold has you feeling wheezy?
Then Eucalyptus oil could be just the ticket!

How about when that afternoon crash hits you on a busy day?
Wild orange oil may bring the zest back into your step!

Below you will find a sweet and short video on Aromatherapy. If you’re a visual learner like myself then you might find it quite handy!:

To summarize, the 15 best essential oils and their uses:

1. Bergamot: heals skin; reduces anxiety

2. Chamomile: soothes colds and fevers; nausea relief; calming mood enhancer

3. Clove: dental pain relief

4. Eucalyptus: general pain-relief; decongestant

5. Frankincense: mood-enhancer; stress-reducer

6. Jasmine: lessen depression; improve childbirth; libido enhancer

7. Lavender: calming; helps with insomnia; stress & anxiety relief

8. Lemon: household cleaner; disinfectant; digestive aid; mood enhancer; headache relief

9. Oregano: skin-healing; antiviral; antifungal; antibacterial; clears out respiratory system

10. Peppermint: cold and flu prevention; energy booster; digestive aid

11. Rose: mood enhancer; stress & anxiety relief

12. Rosemary: skin and hair health; joint pain

13. Sandalwood: soothes nerves; helps with focus

14. Tea Tree: fight infections; antifungal; immune system health

15. Ylang-Ylang: headache relief; eases nausea; helps with skin conditions

But Wait There’s More!

Finally, as if all the information above wasn’t to pique your interest- you can get really fancy with herbal aromatherapy by incorporating oil blends. I am not exaggerating when I say the sky truly is the limit with this one! Without a doubt, I’m pretty convinced there is a blend for anything and everything at this point. I recommend searching on Pinterest or Google for “EO blends”. Afterwards, be sure to let me know what you find out by commenting with your findings below!

At Last, Just One More Thing! How Would You Like To Experience The Benefits of Aromatherapy In A Conveniently Fashionable Way?

essential oil bottles overlooking colorful gemstone crystal diffuser charm bracelets for herbal aromatherapy

Before I sign off, I’m excited to share with you one of my revived (and revamped) product lines! These diffuser bracelets are made with love and care by yours truly, using natural stones and crystals. Otherwise referred to as “healing crystals,” they’re said to provide a whole new range of their own benefits. Incidentally I have my own thoughts on whether there’s any merit to these claims or not. However, that’s a whole new post to write about! In short, I’ve loved making natural stone jewelry in my downtime. For one thing, it’s something creative I can do to unwind. Even more rewarding though, is that it can also make for a great bonding experience with my daughters. At this time they’re available in the Nanala Cove Shop now!!

For more articles related to health and wellness, be sure to subscribe to the Nanala Cove Newsletter 🙂

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25 thoughts on “Herbal Aromatherapy: The 15 Best Essential Oils To Use”

    • Lavender is my favorite! And the bracelets are on sale!! Let me know if there are any styles, color combos or themes you’d like to see them made in 🙂

  1. I want desperately to use essential oils, but feel overwhelmed with all the choices. Thank you for assembling this list.

  2. I’ve been so many memes about the aroma therapy and I’ve been postponing buying an oil defuser forever. I need to buy it now!

  3. Love this… I’ve always loved growing herbs and using them in flower displays in the house. Lavender is a particular favourite. It’s great that they’re all becoming more popular and helping people to feel more healthy and alive.

  4. I just got a facial steamer for Mother’s Day and I can’t wait to add some of my essential oils to it for an at home spa experience.

  5. I love essential oils, especially lavender. ♥ It’s my favorite!
    And thank you for introducing us to Diffuser Crystal & Gems Charm Bracelets! I like them a lot!


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