World Oceans Day: 7 Eco Friendly Ways To Celebrate

What is World Oceans Day?

World Oceans Day first came into existence in 1992! In 2008 it was officially recognized by the United Nations (UN) and has been celebrated on June 8th ever since. The purpose of this aquatic centered holiday is to spread awareness on the impact our actions have on the health of our oceans, as well as the many benefits they offer to all living beings.

A Theme For Every Year.

Ever since 2009, the United Nations have designated a theme for each World Oceans Day. This year’s theme is “Life and Livelihoods”. As such, the focus of this year is to bring attention to the wonders of the ocean and the life giving abilities it provides. For something that covers over 70 percent of the planet, it’s no wonder that it would be an integral source of vitality and health!

united nations quote in response to the importance of world oceans day

What You Can Do To Celebrate World Oceans Day.

There are many events held across the world to celebrate World Oceans Day. In light of precautions surrounding Covid-19, this year marks the second virtual celebration of the holiday. Despite being virtual, there’s still a lot of fun and profound ways to make your own impact!

Here’s My Top 7 Recommendations:

1. Watch The UN’s World Oceans Day Live Video Stream.

Available June 8th, 2021 from 10am to 5pm EDT, you can find the live stream by clicking here. Don’t worry, if you miss it there should be a non live version available!

2. Watch A World Oceans Day Youtube Video.

Knowledge is power and awareness is the greatest agent for change. Watch one of the many Youtube videos posted for this years World Oceans Day to help stay informed and educated on one of nature’s deepest (and most mysterious) masterpieces. Here’s a great one to get you started:

3. Eat Local & Sustainably Sourced Seafood.

Not only is it important for your own health to follow this guideline- but it’s also a key factor in preserving our oceans. Sustainably sourced fish are said to be higher in protein, vitamins, minerals and healthy omega-3s. They are also less likely to be laden with heavy metals and chemicals. Not only that, they minimize negative environmental impacts associated with commercial fisheries.

4. Limit Your Use Of Disposable Plastics

At the rate we’re going, it’s estimated that the ocean could contain more plastic than fish by 2050. The good news? It’s in our power to prevent this from happening!

Here’s six simple things you can do to make a difference:

  1. Switch from plastic to refillable water bottles, like this one here.
  2. Start shopping with reusable instead of plastic shopping bags.
  3. Swap bathroom bottles for soap bars. (Here’s my favorite!)
  4. Brush your teeth and hair with bamboo brushes.
  5. Ladies, ditch the tampons and pads and switch to a menstrual cup. (I highly recommend this one!!)
  6. Invest in a stainless steel razor, like this budget friendly one.

5. Organize Or Sign Up For A Beach (Or River) Cleanup.

This one allows you to spend time in nature while connecting with loved ones. You’re likely to even make some new like minded friends! Find or organize one yourself by searching for your location in the search bar at

6. Avoid Use Of Additional Ocean Harming Products.

Plastic disposables aren’t the only products that can pollute and harm our oceans.

  1. Traditional tea bags contain trace amounts of plastic, as well as unwanted toxins. Switching to loose leaf and using a tea infuser is a great way around this!
  2. Mainstream toothpastes often contain chemicals, microbeads and are sure to end up in our waterways. More nature friendly options such as this one can be a good alternative.
  3. Sunscreen is important for protecting your skin from the sun! However, try to choose ones that do not contain reef damaging chemicals such as oxybenzone and octinoxate. One way to ensure you’re getting an ocean friendly sunscreen is to only buy ones that say “reef safe” on the packaging. Not only is it friendly to the eco-system, it’s also friendly for your health.
  4. Fertilizers & Pesticides pollute our oceans and atmosphere via runoffs and rain. In our aquatic habitats, this causes an unwanted abundance of algal bloom. Algal bloom is bad because it decreases oxygen and sunlight available to fish and plants.
  5. Laundry Detergents are typically not biodegradable and contaminate our waters with toxic heavy metals such as cadmium and arsenic. The way around this is to simply switch to using more eco-friendly detergent options such as Soap Nuts, or BioKleen.

7. Spread The Word About World Oceans Day!

Share this post on social media and with friends and loved ones. Increasing awareness will help remind others of the wonderous beauty and resources the ocean provides. Together we can make a difference and make a change. How do you celebrate World Oceans Day? Comment below to help inspire others!

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