3 Easy Steps To Face Your Fears With Courage

“Never Let Your Fears Decide Your Fate.”

This quotes about facing one’s fears is one of my favorite lines from the song, “Kill Your Heroes” by AWOLNATION. In the song, these words of wisdom are spoken to the songwriter by a dying old man.

A Gentle Reminder About “Fear.”

To fear is to be human. We all have fears. The secret to living your best life is rising above (and in spite of) those fears. Because your fears are not in control, YOU are! To be precise, your fears can only dictate your actions and choices if you let them. So choose to rise above. Your full potential is waiting for you there.

An Easy 3 Step Process For Confronting Your Fears.

The beauty of this fast and easy 3 step process, is that you can do it anywhere at any time. For some it may be more helpful to write it down or speak it out loud. But for myself, I typically do just fine simply thinking it out in mind. Sort of like a form of meditation.

#1. Ask Yourself, What’s The Worst That Could Happen?

First things first. Consider what the worst possible outcome of facing your fears could be. This act allows your fears to show their true, irrational and pessimistic colors. Is it going to kill you? Is it going to destroy you beyond repair? In the off chance that it does kill or destroy you, is it really going to matter at that point?

Feel free to let the scenario play out of your fears coming true. Then take note of how it feels to let fear have the forefront. Do you feel warm and fuzzy? Are the emotions filled with joy and peace? If you could describe the feelings in terms of light versus dark, is there one that predominantly stands out?

#2. Visualize What You Have To Gain From Facing Your Fears.

Alright, we let fear have it’s moment to spread darkness and despair. Time to show it who’s boss.

Next I want you to imagine (in vivid detail) what the best possible outcome from facing your fears would look like. How does it feel to have courage leading the way? Ask yourself the same questions we went over for fear. What emotions does this outcome evoke in you? Do you feel a sense of darkness, or light?

#3. Remind Yourself Who’s Really In Control.

Now that you’ve let fear & courage pitch their products to you, the ball is in your court. Because ultimately you are the one in control of your life. And you get to decide which path you take. Which one felt right to you? Go with the one that felt true, pure and most like the version of yourself you want to be. Because deep in your heart of hearts, you know- that’s who you are.

You Only Get One Life.

The outcome you imagined in step two? That is your true potential. And who’s to say you can’t achieve it?? It was put in your heart for a reason, so why not chase after it with all you’ve got? Don’t let your fears hold you back from living the life of your dreams. I’m not saying it will be easy, but it will be worth it.

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4 thoughts on “3 Easy Steps To Face Your Fears With Courage”

  1. I really appreciate this article, because I know it is so easy for me to stay within my own comfort zone. It is great to be reminded why it is important to face my fears!

    • I’m sure everyone is prone to feeling more safe in their comfort zone, or else it wouldn’t be called a comfort zone!! But the magic happens when we muster up the courage to venture outside of it 🙂


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