7 Life Changing Books To Read in 2023

Life changing books will, well, change your life. The seven I recommend in this post are some of the most impactful books I’ve ever read to this day. They are largely in part what inspired me to think outside of the box, follow my dreams- and never give up on creating the life I want.

Learn From Experts While Gaining New Perspectives.

These books are great resources for anyone looking to improve their lives and achieve personal growth and transformation. They offer profound insights into the human experience, practical advice, and inspiring stories that can help you overcome challenges, cultivate resilience, and find fulfillment and purpose in your life!

Develop New Skills & Finding Inspiration.

Whether you’re struggling with financial issues, seeking greater spiritual understanding, or simply looking for guidance and inspiration on your personal journey- these books can provide valuable tools, techniques, and perspectives to help you achieve your goals and create a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

7 Most Life Changing Books I’ve Ever Read:

  • Outwitting The Devil by Napoleon Hill: This self-help book, written in 1938 but not published until 2011, explores how to overcome fear and resistance in order to achieve success and happiness. This one I listened to on Audible and I highly recommend you listen to it on there as well! Hearing the voice & tone changes as Napoleon “interviews” the devil was incredibly entertaining to me. What was even more amazing, however, was how relevant everything discussed nearly 100 years ago- is still so very true, if not more so- today in 2023. Click here to learn more.
  • Rich As F*ck by Amanda Frances: This personal finance book offers practical advice and mindset shifts to help readers transform their relationship with money and build wealth with ease and joy. Holy… crap… I listened to this book THREE times!! It was that amazing. It forever changed my relationship with money. And helped me overcome SO many of my own limiting beliefs in regards to money, and how much I can and should have in my life! I will never stop recommending this book. One caveat, at first I thought Amanda’s voice was a bit grating, cliche, too “LA” sounding? (How judgemental and unfair of me, I know lol.) Well, trust me on this one, if you feel this way- push through those feelings because Amanda Frances has SO much to offer- and her voice will most definitely grow on you. If anything, it was my limiting beliefs trying to hold me back from letting go of them that had these negative thoughts about her voice! That being said, you can always read the physical version instead of listening to it on Audible. If you are not 100% happy with your finances- DO NOT SKIP THIS ONE!! Click here to learn more.
  • Becoming Supernatural by Dr. Joe Dispenza: This book explores the intersection of science and spirituality and offers tools and techniques for personal transformation and spiritual growth. I saw this one recommended in a Law of Attraction group I’m a member of on Facebook. This one also forever changed my life for the better! Mainly, it opened my eyes to new ways of journaling, meditating & manifesting. Again, I listened to this one on Audible and the audio felt, well, a bit slow. But there is so much to absorb and take out of this book- this might actually be necessary! Click here for this book.
  • The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho: This beloved novel tells the story of a young shepherd who embarks on a journey of self-discovery and learns the importance of following his heart and pursuing his dreams. I ordered this gem of a book on a Monday and was finished with it by Wednesday! It was soo good, I could NOT put it down. It’s been a year since I read it now, and I still find myself applying the lessons learned from this parable in my own life. Amazing, amazing story. Click here for this book.
  • Man’s Search For Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl: This classic memoir explores the author’s experience as a Holocaust survivor and his insights into the human search for meaning and purpose. Honestly, it’s a powerful and inspiring book that offers insights into the human psyche and the human search for meaning and purpose. I loved that it drove home the importance of finding hope and resilience in the face of adversity- and encouraged me to stay true to my own values and dreams. If you can’t say you are 100% fulfilled in your life.. read this. Click here for this book.
  • The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle: This spiritual guidebook offers insights and practices for living in the present moment and achieving inner peace and fulfillment. I loved how this book helped me further grasp the importance of letting go of my attachments to the past or future. It also truly helped me embrace my own inner stillness. Interestingly enough, in The Power of Now, Tolle argues that most people live in a state of constant mental activity, dominated by thoughts about the past or future. Well, this mental activity creates a sense of time-bound identity that separates individuals from their true selves and from the present moment. According to Tolle, the key to happiness and enlightenment lies in becoming aware of this mental activity and learning to quiet the mind in order to experience the present moment more fully. Click here for this book.
  • The Four Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz: This self-help book by don Miguel Ruiz offers practical wisdom for personal transformation and spiritual growth. It’s based on ancient Toltec wisdom and emphasizes four agreements that can help you achieve greater happiness, freedom, and authenticity in your life. “The Four Agreements” is a concise and accessible guide to living a more authentic and fulfilling life, and was a joy to listen to on Audible for me. If you’re looking for greater happiness, inner peace, and spiritual growth- this is for you! Click here for this book.

Achieve Your Goals & Create The Life You Truly Desire.

In summary, these books offer profound insights into the human experience, practical advice for personal growth and transformation, as well as inspiring stories of resilience, courage, and perseverance. Whether you’re looking to improve your finances, deepen your spirituality, or find greater meaning and purpose in life, these books can offer valuable guidance and inspiration.

One More Thing…

If you do not already have an Audible or Kindle Unlimited account, you can get a free trial for either (or both) with my link! Click here for a 30-day FREE trial.

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