Learning to “Dance In The Rain.”
What does it mean to “dance in the rain?” Stormy skies, sopping clothes, cancelled plans. However, there’s magic to be found within the storm- and within yourself.
We often think of rain as an inconvenience. It typically involves darkened skies, ruined clothes and “prevents” you from being able to enjoy outdoor festivities. Dancing in the rain under unsafe conditions, such as lightning storms, tornadoes, hurricanes- I certainly agree. Nevertheless, there’s a deeper meaning to be uncovered inside the darkest of storms. Dive in with me as we unearth it.
1. When Is The Last Time Rain Put A Damper On Your Plans?
Let’s break down question number one. Think back to the last time you felt your plans were ruined by a rainy day.
Now think back to the last time something happened (we’re not talking rain anymore) that just threw your day, your mood, and your mindset completely out of whack. Maybe it made you feel out of sorts for multiple days, weeks or even months! Reflect on how it made you feel and if it caused any sort of domino effect to occur in your life.
2. When Is The Last Time You Decided To “Dance In The Rain?”
Next, let’s touch briefly on question number 2. This time, I want you to think back to when you made the most of a rainy day. A day you chose to dance in the rain. Maybe you ran, exercised, danced or played in it.
As we did for question number one, now see if you can recall a time when something bad or unexpected happened (non rain related). But this time, you didn’t let it destroy your day, mood, mindset, or life for that matter! Instead, this time, something was able to shine brighter within you- than the inherent darkness without.
If you can’t recall a time when you literally, or figuratively, opted to “dance in the rain?” Think harder. Because I am absolutely certain you have more than one time when your optimism, resourcefulness and adaptability shone through. Now assess how that act of resilience made you feel.
3. Which Time Would You Rather Relive If Given A Choice?
The last question is easy! All you need to do is compare how the two days made you feel. Then ask yourself, which “rainy day” would you rather repeat if given a choice between the two?
There’s A Deeper Meaning To Be Found Here.
It’s easy to get cozy with negative emotions such as defeat, despair, fear- or even just plain ol’ boredom. But misery loves company. Regardless of how theoretically dead inside the company makes it feel.
The lesson that’s hiding in plain sight? You always have a choice between the two. Let the curveball keep you down, or rise above and make the most of life’s storms. My encouragement to you is to always strive to choose the action that makes you feel the most alive, at peace and in harmony with yourself!
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Such great inspiration!
Great questions. Got me thinking a lot. Thanks for the reflections.
Thank you!!