17 Benefits of Self Love Affirmations: Why You Should Do These Daily!

The Science Behind Using Affirmations.

Affirmations can have magical effects on one’s self esteem, habits and demeanor- but magic is not actually the force at play here!

Scientific studies found that using self love affirmations turns on the brain’s ventral striatum and ventromedial prefrontal. These are more commonly known as the reward centers of the brain. In layman’s terms, these are the parts of our brains that turn on in response to enjoyable activities. Examples would be receiving a gift, eating your favorite dessert or participating in your favorite hobby.

What Are Affirmations?

You might be wondering what affirmations are. Or, maybe you already know, but you want to see what others have to say about them. Simply put, affirmations are positive phrases or statements meant to help you reframe your thinking about something in particular. These can be about yourself, a situation, another person, or thing.

The key here is to make note that I said they are positive statements! Basically, they are the exact opposite of negative self talk.

Benefits Of Affirming Positive Beliefs About Yourself.

You know a bit on the science behind using affirmations. Now let’s take a closer look at some of the many benefits that using affirmations can bring:

  1. Reduced stress
  2. Increased positive thoughts
  3. Decreased fear & anxiety
  4. Mental clarity
  5. Increased motivation
  6. Improved concentration
  7. Elimination of self destructive thoughts and actions
  8. Reframing of subconscious thoughts
  9. Boosted self confidence
  10. Heightened self esteem
  11. Improved patience
  12. Decreased anger
  13. Increased self awareness
  14. Less procrastination
  15. Improved productivity
  16. Renewed perspective
  17. Improved relationships

How To Make A Practice Of Using Them.

Beginning your own affirmation practice is really quite easy! You can write, speak or think (or do all three!) your affirmations. However, in order to get the positive benefits that come from using affirmations, you need to be doing it on a daily basis. That’s because the research confirms that it really only works to rewire your brain when regularly practiced. Kind of like meditation, exercise, and journaling.

Envision Your Affirmations For The Best Results.

Whether you decide to journal, verbalize or meditate on your affirmations (honestly I recommending doing all three), the main objective is to really work towards believing the words you’re saying. Of course, repetition will go along way here. Simply seeing or speaking the statements out loud, on a daily basis, is going to help shape your new reality all on it’s own. That being said, by almost turning it into a game of make believe, you will be able to reach that new reality even faster.

Also! I want you to think positively about the term “new reality.” This is not to say that you are entering a state of delusion or fantasy. What you are in fact doing, is merely seeing life through a new perspective. It’s not that reality has actually changed. In all truth, this is how it always was and meant to be. The difference is that the way you feel, think and perceive has changed– for the better. And please make no doubt about it, this is a very good thing.

Practice Makes Perfect.

Finally, you know the how, what and why of implementing affirmations into your daily routine. Now it’s time to start applying the practice to your everyday life. Even starting with just three affirmations a day can help you unlock parts of your brain! This means living a more mindful, purpose driven and self aware existence.

It only takes 21 days to form a new habit. My Self Care Workbook can help provide all the accountability and guidance you need while you work to become the best version of yourself. Check it out by clicking this link!

What benefits would you like to see from adding an affirmation practice to your daily routine? If you already use affirmations, what benefits have you personally witnessed? Comment your answers below <3

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20 thoughts on “17 Benefits of Self Love Affirmations: Why You Should Do These Daily!”

  1. Very good post about the benefits of self love affirmations. Highly informative and nicely written. Keep up the good work.

  2. This is a great post! I feel like so many people encourage others to do affirmations without actually explaining how and why they actually help us. Thank you so much for sharing!

  3. This couldn’t have come at a better time. I am under quite a bit of stress trying to accomplish something and the negative thoughts keep trying to move in. Thank you for these 25 amazing affirmations to keep me thinking positively.

  4. Great tips – I often leave off the verbalising part but this sounds like it will be really powerful. My favourite is ‘I am on the right path for me.’ thank you!! xx


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