Anxiety & Your Hearing: 3 Surprising Links Between The Two

What Is Anxiety?

First of all, let’s go over what anxiety is. There are two different types. The first is the kind that anyone gets when something challenging, new or scary is about to take place. It’s extremely common and normal to feel a sense of trepidation or unease when facing something outside of your comfort zone.

The second type of anxiety is the chronic type that seems to just be growing more and more as time passes. Whereas the first type mentioned is a neurological response to stressful or new stimuli and passing- the same cannot be said for chronic anxiety. With chronic anxiety, you’re typically dealing with an ongoing mental health battle. And it’s normal and more common than you might think.

Signs Of Anxiety In The Body

In case you didn’t know, symptoms of anxiety present in a multitude of ways. One of the most sneaky ways is when it presents itself as physical sensations in the body. Below you will find a list of the most common:

  • Decreased tolerance to pain
  • Lack of motivation to do your favorite activities
  • Feeling as though you might crawl out of your own skin
  • Tiredness & fatigue
  • Gastrointestinal upset such as nausea
  • An impending sense of doom
  • Increased heart rate
  • Shortness of breath
  • Decreased physical strength
  • Insomnia and/or trouble falling asleep

However, chronic anxiety can show up in even less obvious ways than these. As it turns out, anxiety can interfere with your hearing. Science reveals that this is due to the three following connections:

  • Tinnitus: ringing or buzzing in your ears is known as Tinnitus. Amazingly, anxiety can cause tinnitus to worsen over times of increased stress.
  • High Blood Pressure: Known as hypertension in the scientific world, anxiety is known to increase ones blood pressure to health threatening levels. Hypertension in turn can negatively effect your hearing.
  • Dizziness: Feeling woozy? Anxiety, stress and heightened negative emotions can cause you to feel off kilter in life. And I am not just speaking metaphorically! Loop-shaped canals in your inner ear contain fluid and fine, hairlike sensors that help you keep your balance according to

The Solution To Address Chronic Anxiety

Unfortunately, anxiety typically doesn’t just go away on its own. That’s not to say there aren’t natural remedies to help address it though! That being said, it is always recommended to consult with your doctor or general practitioner first.

I have absolutely no shame or hesitation in sharing that I personally have been on anti-depressants and anxiety medications in the past. Because it’s admirable and brave to seek professional help. And if you or someone you know is struggling with crippling thoughts or emotions then you should reach out to someone qualified to help!

However, I found the medications didn’t help me in the way I needed. They numbed me, made me more tired, and just felt more like a bandaid than anything else. That is not to say they won’t or can’t work for you though! If your doctor recommends them, it’s safe to assume you trust and know your doctor has nothing but your best interest at heart. By all means, listen to your doctor.

That being said, whether you are on medication to help with your anxiety or not… Listed below are the top 10 activities that have helped me in managing my own anxiety and mood swings over the years. And you should definitely give them a try whether you are also taking meds or not!!

  1. Meditation
  2. Journaling
  3. Practicing affirmations
  4. Strength training
  5. Yoga
  6. Drinking water
  7. Eating healthy
  8. Regular cardio activities: such as bike riding, swimming, walking, etc.
  9. Keeping a clean environment
  10. Herbal supplements such as Rhodiola Rosea

Additionally, you can read my article on 25 Simple Happiness Hacks Guaranteed To Boost Your Mood. The hacks are easy and fun to implement, and the best part is that you can pick and choose the ones you feel resonate the most with you.

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