17 Best Healing Crystals That Help With Social Anxiety

They Say There’s A Perfect Stone For Any Situation.

Whether you believe in this complementary form of medicine or not, crystals have long been used to help promote a sense of calmness in those suffering from negative emotions. For this post, we will primarily be focusing on feelings of anxiety in social settings, and the best stones for stress relief.

Is There Scientific Evidence To Support Using Crystals For Stress Management?

So I personally have always wondered if it’s more of a placebo effect. While I’ve been perfectly fine with the idea that healing crystals serve as more of a tool to encourage a sense of calmness, there actually is in fact some scientific evidence to support a more scientific explanation.

While it’s not concrete scientific evidence by a long shot (and I am certainly not giving medical advice here!), science does support that crystals have energetic vibrations of that matching to humans. In other words, these stones typically vibrate at a pitch close to our own.

Thus, placing a crystal such as these near or on our body could theoretically soothe an overactive nervous system. However, regardless of the rather weak scientific evidence to back it up, the anecdotal evidence is pretty overwhelming.

Important disclaimer: You should always consult a medical professional if anxiety is causing you mental discomfort. While it’s possible that crystals could help alleviate stress, they do not replace the type of care & attention you might get from a doctor!

The Best Stones To Use For Anxiety & The Different Ways To Use Them.

Probably leftover monkey brain from our days in the wild, many will feel a heightened sense of panic, anxiety, or fear while attending any given social occasion. Large crowds, social events & gatherings are all common places to feel a little apprehensive and on edge for many.

An effective way to help your mind overcome this negative energy is by wearing, holding, or carrying crystals that are best known for their soothing properties. Again, while it may be nothing more than a placebo effect- those who implement stones to alleviate emotional stress have reported a decrease in mood swings related to social phobias. (And that’s just naming one specific scenario.)

Here are the best healing stones to use for social anxiety:

1. Citrine “The Composer”

Citrine is said to help you deal with feelings of doubt, fear & worry. It’s reported to replace these negative emotions with soothing energy of warmth, inspiration & clarity.

2. Lepidolite “Nature’s Lithium”

Lepidolite actually does contain lithium in trace amounts. Perhaps this is why it’s best known to calm feelings of anger, hostility & bitterness. It’s also one of the top recommendations if you’re prone to overthinking, rumination & racing thoughts.

3. Blue Lace Agate “The Great Communicator”

Blue Lace Agate is reported to be a great healing crystal for you if you have difficulty getting straight to the point. If social conversations leave you feeling restless or overwhelmed, this might be a good stone for you.

4. Rose Quartz “The Love Stone”

Ah, Rose Quartz. Who doesn’t love this crystal best known for its healing powers in the area of love? Rose Quartz is said to bring about emotional balance while dispelling painful energies & existing traumas relating to love.

5. Black Tourmaline “My Protector”

Black tourmaline is best known for its shielding properties. It’s said to help you stay grounded during periods of high surmounting stress, fear & worries.

6. Amethyst “Stone Of Contentment”

Amethyst is said to help with pain, emotional pain relief in particular. It’s also known to help induce a sense of calmness in the wearer.

7. Kyanite “Crystal Of Attunement”

Kyanite is a real gem, in more than just one sense! Use this stone when you wish to find your inner voice while increasing your intuition. You’ll feel calm, cool & enlightened with Kyanite by your side.

8. Kunzite “Evening Stone”

Kunzite is best known to clear resistance, ease heartache elevate one’s mood. If you tend to get stuck in the past or worry about what the future may hold- then Kunzite might be just the ticket for you.

9. Danburite “The Widow’s Solace”

Danburite can help you find comfort if you are plagued by grief, fear, resentment, or hatred. It’s also said to aid you in gaining a higher perception of the bigger picture.

10. Smoky Quartz “The Stone Of The Loin”

Smoky Quartz strengthens & grounds you by releasing negative ions from your energy field. It’s known to empower you by reducing unwanted feelings of tension, jealousy, grief, fear & hesitation.

11. Shungite “The Stone Of Life”

Shungite, made mostly of carbon, is known for its great absorption properties. It’s said to be one of the most effective healing stones for absorbing negative emotions & energies. Use Shungite if you feel you’re in need of a detox or energy purification.

12. Purple Flourite “The Stone Of Clarity”

Flourite is perhaps the most recommended stone for Empaths and those that easily pick up & can get caught up in the emotions of others. Purple fluorite is said to help clear out thick, heavy, dark emotions- leaving in its place nothing but radiant joy & clarity.

13. Sodalite “The Poet’s Stone”

Sodalite is also known as the “stone of peace.” It’s reported to help harness thoughts so that words are able to flow eloquently, similar to that of a poet. Use Sodalite also if you suffer from negative self-talk, doubt, or guilt.

14. Moonstone “The Gemstone Of Inward Vision”

Named for its close resemblance to that of the moon on a crystal clear night sky, this great crystal is known for its deep emotional healing powers. Moonstone is said to help bring you inner peace if you’re suffering from stress, fear, or anxiety.

15. Red Jasper “The Inner Energy Stone”

This powerful stone symbolizes health & passion. It’s a great option to help find grounding & balance if you suffer from panic attacks, disconnection from self, or shortness of breath due to anxiety.

16. Lapis Lazuli “Stone Of Peace”

This dark blue stone is well known for its calming properties. If you suffer from ADHD, frantic energy, or moments of intense energy such as rage- it could be a good crystal for you.

17. Clear Quartz “The Master Healer”

The transparent white stone known as Clear Quartz is said to be one of the best stones for dealing with anxiety. Its name comes from the Greek word for ice. If you crave inner peace and a break from emotional stress, then this could be a great option for you.

Where To Buy Crystals For Anxiety.

Now that you have the serious lowdown on the potential power of crystals and their healing properties, it’s only fitting you know the best places to purchase them.

I’ve personally been making healing crystal jewelry for almost 8 years now. I love designing chakra balancing jewelry in various visually appealing designs. I also love creating customs to help bring some peace & sunshine to people all over the world! Click here to check out my selection of Crystal jewelry.

Additionally, I’ve put together a custom compilation of my top picks from Amazon if you’re in the market for loose stones or healing stone kits, shown below:

My Final Thoughts & Recommendations.

Finally, I’ll share with you the conclusions I myself have drawn in relation to healing crystals. I like to say I’m a firm believer in science & using common, logical sense to make important life decisions. However, I’ve also come to the insurmountable belief (particularly in the past few years) that there are things in this life beyond reasonable, scientific explanation.

Now, just because there is no substantial scientific evidence, it doesn’t mean that a scientific explanation does not exist. At this point, science has provided very little rock-solid (pun intended) findings to support that “yes, crystals do have healing properties.” That being said, I know for a fact that Psychology & Science continues to prove the vast power of the mind- and the ability of one’s thoughts, beliefs & expectations to help sway the outcome of an event.

So, why not invest in some healing crystals? At the very least, you’ll reap the benefits of a placebo effect. But, I’d be willing to bet (just maybe not in this lifetime, because Science hasn’t quite caught up yet) there’s more to them than just a trickery of the brain.

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3 thoughts on “17 Best Healing Crystals That Help With Social Anxiety”

  1. What beautiful crystals! I love to have crystals in my home, and with bracelets too. I never really think about the meaning though, just if I feel drawn to the colors. I will have to invest in some of these. Thank you for this useful information!


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