7 Advantages Of Doing The “No-Poo” Method

What exactly is “No Poo”?

While no-poo does take place in the bathroom, there is no involvement of the toilet! The poo in no poo is actually a shortened version of shampoo. It’s a natural beauty approach I myself have dabbled in for nine years now. In laymen’s terms it’s where you don’t use conventional shampoos or conditioners to wash your hair. However, there are a lot of different ways to go “no-poo”. And in the beginning it can involve a lot of trial and error for some. Let me tell you though. The end results and benefits you gain from mastering it, are 100% worth it if you ask me!

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

Leonardo Da Vinci

Reasons to No Poo!

There are practical, ethical, financial and health reasons to going No-Poo. Below you’ll find my personal top reasons for loving it enough to encourage others to give it a try!

1. Increase in Body and Volume.

Your hair will feel fuller and look more luscious! Many who go no-poo also report having stronger hair. In other words, it looks healthier and it is healthy. This is due to the fact that it’s not being suffocated and stripped. It turns out, chemicals and surfactants commonly used in most shampoo and conditioning products are actually pretty damaging.

2. More Time To Spend Doing More Important Things.

For my hair, I use a shampoo bar that does it all. This means I don’t have to double wash and rinse. Which, you guessed it- means less time I have to stay in the shower! But the time saving benefit extend to outside of the shower too! Remember how I said it increases body and volume? Well for once in my life, no longer do I “need” to curl and volumize my hair everyday! Because it’s natural state is finally more than good enough for me.

3. You’re Saving Money.

With no-poo, you’re no longer buying shampoo and conditioner. I was also able to ditch my Big Sexy Hair Spray ($20 a container!). Then, factor in the reduced time in the shower? That’s right, you’re even saving on water! Oh, and speaking of saving on water. Did I mention your hair will require less washing once it’s used to this crazy awesome method?? That brings me to my next point.

4. Your Scalp Produces Less Oil.

When our scalp is stressed, it produces more oil. This is it’s attempt to soothe and rehydrate itself from the negative effects caused from conventional hair products. Even more interesting, those who have successfully transitioned have not only less oil production- but also less dandruff and flakiness. It turns out that increased oil production is linked to dry flaky scalps! Basically, it all roots back to the fact that distressed scalps act out in a discreet (yet blatant) style. (Like what I did there? Roots? Style??)

5. Positive Changes in Hair Texture.

This benefit always intrigued me. And I happen to think it’s a pretty exciting reason to give no poo a try. Those who formerly felt they had stick straight, lifeless hair? These same people find they actually have some natural wave and bounce to it after transitioning to no-poo! Then on the other side of the spectrum. Historically frizzy, unruly and unmanageable mane rockers discover that ditching their shampoo bottles gives them more tamed, lush locks. What they find is they can naturally get the definition formerly attainable only after dousing their hair in countless products.

6. Decreased Exposure to Unhealthy Chemicals.

If you’re new to the world of green living, then this might be news to you. But the majority of beauty products are laden with hormone disrupting, carcinogenic and immune suppressing chemicals. Parabens, triclosan, polyethylene glycol, sodium lauryl/laureth sulfate (SLS), phthalates, dimethicone and triethanolamine. Take note, these are several of the ingredients you want to avoid putting on your body and skin! Did you know that our skin is the largest organ of our body? Think about how impactful (good or bad) what we put on it must be!

The majority of beauty products are laden with hormone disrupting, carcinogenic and immune suppressing chemicals. Parabens, triclosan, polyethylene glycol, sodium lauryl/laureth sulfate (SLS), phthalates, dimethicone and triethanolamine

7. It’s Better For The Environment.

Probably the most broad and widespread benefit of going no poo is that it’s better for the environment. It requires less water. You’re producing less plastic waste. And no longer are you releasing toxic chemicals down the drain into our water systems!

How To Do No-Poo.

As mentioned above, there are a variety of different ways to go about doing No-Poo. What will work best for you is really all dependent on your individual hair type. But here are the basic steps:

  1. Get hair wet
  2. Massage in chosen cleanser
  3. Rinse and rub out with water
  4. Option to follow up with a pH balancing solution
  5. Dry and style as usual

Commonly used no-poo cleansers include the following:

  • Baking soda mixed with water
  • Silicone free conditioner (AKA co-washing)
  • Coconut oil
  • Water only
  • “Low poo” shampoos (these are less recommended but still better than conventional shampoos)

Commonly used pH Balancing Products:

  • Apple cider vinegar, diluted
  • Lemon juice, diluted
  • 100% unsweetened apple juice, diluted
  • 100% pure unsweetened coconut water

Be Ready For A Possible Transition Stage.

There’s a big possibility you’ll experience an initial increase in sebum production. This is a temporary effect that can occur after taking the plunge into the waters of no-poo. Don’t worry, it’s not permanent! The good news is that your hair and scalp are detoxing. Finally it can rid itself of the all the stifling chemicals preventing it from living up to it’s true potential. The best way to get through this temporary annoyance? Invest in a natural bristle brush (such as this boars head bristle). Using the brush, stroke through from scalp to root to effectively distribute the oils along the strands.

Before long your scalp will recognize that it doesn’t have to work so hard to keep your hair nourished anymore! Also, it’s okay to wash your hair every other day in the beginning. Over time you’ll find your hair feels less greasy. Eventually it will need less frequent washing but it’s not something that needs to be forced.

The Best No Poo Bar Actually Exists!

It only took me nine years, but I finally found the answer to all my shower needs. I use this bar as shampoo, conditioner, body soap and shaving cream. Talk about saving time and money! The best part is, it’s made from all natural ingredients I can feel good about using. Oh, and it’s well under $10. It’s called Dr. Bronner’s Pure-Castile Bar Soap and this lavender one (click here) is my personal favorite. They also have Rose, Citrus Orange, Hemp Tea Tree.

Share Your Own Experience Below!

Have you tried going No-Poo? How did you like it? What worked for you? Why would you recommend or not recommend it to others? Additionally, if you have any questions not answered in this article, drop them below!

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4 thoughts on “7 Advantages Of Doing The “No-Poo” Method”

  1. So many great insights in this post! Admittedly, I clicked to read it because I thought this post was referring to a familiar bathroom problem. Little did I know you would solve an actual relevant mystery for me in this post! Ever since I moved to the Canary Islands (from Northern Europe, so totally different climate) my scalp has been super flaky. It wasn’t until I stumbled upon this post that I understand the why & how. So thank you for educating me! Making a mental note to start immediately. Love, Susanne

    • Yes it should definitely help! I was the opposite- I always had a grease bucket on the top of my head within 24 hours of washing my hair. But now I can go almost a full week without washing my hair!!


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