5 Benefits Of Strength Training.

Strength training is all about getting stronger, increasing metabolism and losing unhealthy body fat. It also can make you feel like a total bad ass. So there’s that.

Nanala Cove

Benefits of Weight Training

Lifting weights isn’t just about getting a fit and toned or even muscular body. Strength training can get you in shape and living in the body of your dreams but there is so much more to it than this! The benefits to following a strength routine are numerous. Pour over the simple (yet long!) list below and then keep reading as we delve deeper into five of the key takeaways:

  • Enhanced proprioception (AKA balance)
  • Stronger bones
  • Faster metabolism
  • Higher energy levels
  • Better mood and overall mental health
  • Increased self confidence
  • Deeper, higher quality sleep
  • Reduced body fat
  • Toned muscles
  • Firmer skin
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Decreased chance of diabetes
  • Stabilize blood pressure
  • Decrease in symptoms related to that of rheumatoid and osteoarthritis
  • Reduced pain of the lumbar, thoracic and cervical spine
  • Stronger joints
  • Better posture
  • Stronger core, flatter midsection
  • Reverse & prevent sarcopenia
  • Strengthened immune system

1. Enhanced proprioception

If you are new to strength training it’s important you build a proper foundation first. This typically means focusing on stabilization and exercises that activate and strengthen your core. Exercises that fall under this category usually involve challenging your balance in ways designed to further develop your neuromuscular system. This results in an improved sense of balance, a stronger core and improved daily movement patterns. If you suffer from chronic pain such as those found in the back, neck, shoulders and knees then this is going to be a crucial first step.

2. Greater Bone Density

Our bodies are amazing in the sense that they can actually adapt and improve in response to stressors placed upon it. This can be a downside if you’re hunched over at a computer or work station all day, every day (muscle loss, disc degeneration and the resulting poor posture, anyone?). But this can also be to our benefit when it comes to incorporating exercise such as strength training into our daily routines. You see, lifting weights puts stress on our skeletal systems which in turn responds by actually getting stronger. Stronger bones means greater bone density and greater bone density translates to better quality of life.

3. Faster Metabolism

While you may burn more calories during the minutes spent doing cardio, you’ll continue to burn more calories even after you leave the weight room with strength training. Don’t get me wrong, I am a firm believer in following a cardio program. But you will not get the lasting metabolic effects from simply doing cardio as you do weightlifting. Lifting weights builds muscle and those with lean muscle on their bodies burn more calories at rest than those without.

4. Improved Mental State

Working out causes your body to release feel good endorphins. This is your body’s way of distracting you from the “pain” and discomfort than can come with pushing your body past its perceived limits (Important to note: strength training should never feel outright painful!!). This not only increases the enjoyability you associate with strength training over time, but also translates into other realms of your mental health. This means less anxiety, less fatigue, happier moods, higher self confidence and better sleep.

5. Better General Health

Did you know that the most common diseases and conditions affecting our general population today can almost always be traced back to higher body fat percentages? These include but are not limited to diseases such as hypertension, hypotension, diabetes type 2, chronic obstructive lung disease, certain types of cancer, stroke, heart disease, sleep apnea, osteoarthritis, disc degeneration and kidney disease. Normal Body Mass Index (BMI) ranges from 18.5 to 24.9. If you have a BMI of 25 or above then your health is at risk. If you fit this profile, you might even already possess some of the precursors or full blown effects of the aforementioned diseases. Yet another powerful reason to take control of your health today by getting started on a strength training regimen!

Implementation & Conclusion

It is never too late to take control of your health and start working towards getting a strong and healthy body! If you want to get the full benefits of strength training then I recommend focusing on workouts that involve free weights, bands and cables. Using these modalities will force your core to turn on. Core activation is the ultimate key to getting the most of all the benefits listed above!

Interested in Receiving More Guidance?

I hope this article inspires you to start your own strength training regimen! That being said, I realize there’s a lot that goes into making a healthy life change such as this. Click here to learn more about my online training services!

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