Online Personal Training: Transform Your Life With An Online Health & Wellness Coach!

A Holistic Approach To Online Health & Wellness Coaching.

My online wellness coaching business, Nanala Cove, was born from a desire to offer more than the typical brick & mortar gym franchise has to offer its members and clientele.

In case you don’t know me, I’m Mae Alexis & I run Nanala Cove, LLC. I’ve been in the health & fitness industry since my first job at 16 years old. This month I turn 32 years old! So that makes, what? 16 years in this industry?!

Granted, I did have a few kids within those 16 years (three daughters to be exact.) But health, fitness & holistic wellness has been my life for more than my entire adulthood. I’m certified by the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) as a Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach, and I also hold 5 additional specializations certifications through them. Not to blow my own horn, but I’m pretty qualified to help transform lives through exercise, nutrition & healthy habit formation!

(Don’t just take my word for it though. Click here to read what my clients have had to say about my coaching.)

But listen, it’s not just about being qualified. I love continuously learning & implementing new (and old) ways to become the best version of myself. And I find even greater joy when I can help others in their journey & pursuit of this as well.

Why I Love Online Coaching.

Last year came with a lot of realizations for a lot of different people. Here’s one of mine. After so many years working with & for various major gym franchises- it became very obvious to me that living a healthy lifestyle is not just about the physical.

It’s not about being “the hot mom at your child’s classmate’s pool party.”

Like, seriously.

Ok, quick bunny trail. I think it’s worth sharing.

I had a sales mentor tell me that this (the hot mom statement, above) is what personal training and fitness sales boil down to. That it’s about selling that dream of being hot & desirable to desperate, lonely housewives and mothers. As if poking at & exposing our insecurities is the ticket to helping us overcome, make peace & rise above them.

But it gets better! Well, actually it gets worse if you ask me. I even had other fellow peers & colleagues (women!!) tell me that using my own charm & good looks to convince “below average”, out of their prime (or just entering their prime) men that if they hired me as their coach, then they could eventually land a girl “as hot” as me!

As if that’s all the fitness industry boils down to. Purely based on aesthetic, shallow as a kiddie pool & only really set out to achieve one thing. “Being sexy.”

And yeah, sure, I get it. Sex sells! But I think we all as humans & mankind, in general, are rising above this archaic way of thinking. I mean I sure as hell hope so anyway.

Achieving Fitness Goals Should Transform Your Life For The Better.

Now, back on track.

While following custom fitness plans specifically designed to help you achieve your goals is likely going to get you looking good & feeling good about your appearance, the thing anyone & everyone truly wants is to simply feel good. Feel good about their appearance, but mostly about themselves as a whole.

We want to feel good about the way we walk, talk, think- and yeah, fitting into our clothes? That’s a really nice bonus, don’t get me wrong. But this involves our mental & emotional health just as much as our physical well-being! Perhaps even more.

This, THIS my friends, is why I focus so much on personal development, inner healing & self growth with my clients. Because it’s all interconnected. If you’ve ever enrolled in one of my online programs, worked with me 1:1, or follow me on social media, then you know that my coaching consists of far more mental & emotional health than simply assigning a fitness program for you to follow.

Because Exercising Is Easy. It’s the Mind You Have To Convince.

With my online training programs, I’ll help you take the guess work out of what first steps you need to increase your own personal health & fitness level. Because I believe everyone can, and should, be living as the best version of themselves!

And no, you don’t need to make massive changes in the beginning. I meet you at your starting point and then help you get to the next level, every step of the way.

How I Can Help Your In Your Health & Fitness Journey.

Using information gathered from my online questionnaire and our initial consultation, I design a custom plan based on your specific needs, medical history, current health & fitness goals. Within just a few short weeks, you’re guaranteed to start feeling a decrease in stress levels, a renewed positive attitude, and a better outlook on life as a whole!

Not to mention, you’re likely to notice increased lean muscle mass, fat loss & energy levels. Because I’m not kidding when I say this. Movement is medicine to the body and the mind.

Important to note: I don’t believe in fad diets and quick fixes. I believe in lifestyle transformation resulting in a significant change to your mental & physical health.

Setting Yourself Up For Great Success.

In my experience, the ones that have the greatest success are the ones that work with someone (yes, such as a coach, like myself) to hold them accountable, motivated & following a custom workout & nutrition plan.

Eat Like You Love Yourself.

This brings me to the next aspect of my online coaching. What you eat can seriously make or break you!! That’s why I provide nutrition programs and recommend keeping food logs to all of my clients as well. The meal plans I suggest are totally optional of course. However, eating a healthy, whole, balanced diet is one of the most effective ways to ensure your own health & longevity. And the meal plans can serve as a very informative guide at the very least.

Your Journey Can Start Today!

I just want to clarify, there are many personal trainers in big franchise gyms that are highly knowledgeable- and they share my dream and vision as well for total body & mind transformation as well! I know that my negative experiences described at the beginning of this blog post are not a reflection of all coaches in the health & fitness industry. Definitely not. But believe me, there are a lot! And that’s okay, to each their own.

However, if you’re looking for someone that takes a holistic approach to health, fitness & nutrition- then you’ve stumbled across the right website & online coach! Email me directly, or fill out this form to request a consultation. You really have nothing to lose, and everything to gain.

Not sure you’re ready to take the plunge towards living life as your best self? Well, I’d bet money that’s not your best self talking. That being said, I do post tons of free content in my online FB group. And it’s all meant to help everyone where they’re at, from varying walks of life. Click here to request to join, no strings attached!

My subscribers get all the best tips, tools & deals, so don’t forget to subscribe to the Nanala Cove newsletter! 🙂

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