Angel Number 44 – Numerology Meaning & Symbolism

Angel Number 44 & Numerology.

Before we dive into Angel Number 44, I’ll share with you what exactly Numerology is. Numerology is the pseudoscientific theory in a divine or otherworldly correlation existing within seeing numbers & having a corresponding event occur within a moderately short time after. It can also extend to the numerical value of letters, words, places, etc. Numerology, in case you can’t tell, is typically linked to astrology, paranormal & divination. The numbers in Numerology are often referred to as Angel Numbers. The idea behind them is that they are reminders from your guardian angels, the universe, god, whatever you choose to believe in or not- that you are on the right path.

So, how much YOU choose to read into it- it’s totally up to you. Personally, I like to use numerology as a reminder to affirm that what I desire in my life is mine for the taking. Kind of like manifestation. While I would love to believe that it is a surefire sign of things to come, I believe strongly in free will & as a result, I believe you are the author of your own destiny.

The Symbolism Of The Number 44.

What does angel number 44 symbolize? In numerology, the number 44 signifies positivity, good fortune, and grounding. Particularly when you’re undergoing a difficult passage in your life. Angel Number 44 is meant to serve as a reminder that you’re not alone & that you can always prevail- coming out stronger & more whole than before.

If you’re seeing this number on repeat, let it serve as a reminder to keep devoting energy towards your important work, and don’t give up even when the going gets up. Don’t doubt it- your persistence, diligence & consistency will pay off!

Angel Number 44 In Love.

What does angel number 44 mean in love? The number 44 represents loyalty, commitment & reliability. If your angel number is 44, then you may be initially closed off & difficult to win over but once you get into a serious relationship you’re in it for the long haul.

So basically, this is depicting a person confident in themself, not easily led astray by the next new shiny thing, self-assured & walking in integrity. I can only hope that everyone can manage to be and attract this type of person in their life!

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Here’s Why You May Always Be Seeing The Number 44.

Do you ever catch yourself saying, “why do I always see the number 44?” Well, if you are repeatedly seeing this number then let it serve as a sign that your goals are closer within your reach than you may realize! Keep doing the hard stuff, the not-so-fun work, the nitty gritty- and it will all pay off. That being said, don’t forget to take time to yourself & do what feels good. You are meant to achieve all your heart desires, but you can’t achieve these things if you don’t still allow yourself to still be you.

The number 44 is also a symbol of abundance. If you keep seeing it, don’t lose hope, have patience, and keep an eye out for opportunities to make changes that may seem scary at first- but have the potential to heap a multitude of blessings into your life.

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Angel Number 44 As a Twin Flame Number.

The idea behind twin flames is that one soul was split into two halves before becoming corporal. They are mirror souls, separated at birth- with an otherworldly agreement that they would meet back up and become whole & aligned in that lifetime. Their reunion is meant to trigger a period of challenge, growth, & ultimately healing.

As such, a relationship like this could be quite trying in the beginning stages! There could be periods of separation, disagreements, resistance, mood swings, and some uncertainty.

The number 44 is meant to help you remember that you are worthy of love. And not to run when the going gets tough or scary.

However (and this is a big HOWEVER) if you’re in an abusive or toxic relationship then this is NOT that relationship for you. Let the number 44 remind you that you are worthy of respect, compassion & understanding- and that there is someone better out there for you. Do not settle just because you fear being alone. If you fear being alone, then let this fear serve as your sign that you must conquer & overcome your fear of being alone if you are ever to be whole enough in yourself to be in a healthy, stable relationship!

The Number 44 In Numerology.

In numerology, angel number 44 symbolizes efficiency, business, consciousness, focus, balance, discipline & motivation. Let the number 44 serve as a drive to stay focused on your goals, hone your business skills & work to build your empire. Don’t lose your footing & you will soar.

Lucky Number 44.

Truly, any number can be lucky if you want it to be! Well, except the number 13 (kidding of course, or am I?). However, numerology experts claim that 44 is indeed lucky since it symbolizes perseverance & certainty of your life path. You just have to face, overcome your fears, and believe that everything always works out for the best.

Conclusion & My Personal Experience.

Personally, I mostly see 11 and variations of the number 11. I first started noticing it back in 2015 and it’s been super consistent ever since. In fact, I was so freaked out by how consistent & how often I started seeing it (seemingly out of nowhere) back then that I actually feared I was losing my mind, or that it was a bad omen of something to come.

Needless to say, I’ve done a LOT of inner work & personal growth since then. For starters, I no longer live & see life through a lens of fear (and everyone can live this way!!).

So, do ANGEL NUMBERS mean something? My whole life I‘ve been able to find meaning & symbolism in the simplest of things. And for me personally, I believe it does mean something.

After working through my initial fears & confusion… I decided that for me it means I’m on the right path, the universe has got my back, and seeing number sequences such as 11:11, 11:44, 4:44, 7:33, etc- serve as reminders & affirmations to me that EVERYTHING always works out for the best. One way or another. My life experiences attest to that. And I am 110% convinced that life is what YOU (choose) to make it.

But less about me and more about you: What do Angel Numbers mean to you, and what has your experience been with them thus far (if any)?

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