The Top 4 Life Lessons You Learn As You Get Older.

The Top Life Lessons You Learn Into Adulthood.

There’s a “life lessons” trend going around on social media. So of course, I jumped on this trend myself because one- brand awareness. And two, the four points made in this trend are pretty valid and worthwhile truths!! Below you’ll find the video I did, followed by my own personal take on each point made.

1. The Only Person You’re In Control Of… IS YOU.

You can’t force people to do, say, act, feel or think anything that they’re not ready, capable or willing to. Maybe one day, sure. But maybe not! And you know what? That’s okay! Because the only person you need to worry about- is you. Focus on your OWN personal growth & development. In doing this, you give inspiration & permission even to those around you to do the same.

2. Not Every Situation Needs Your Time Or Energy.

Learn to RESPOND, instead of REACT. If you’re overwhelmed with difficult emotions, THIS is when you need to dig deep and find the inner strength and clarity to respond to the situation in a way that you won’t later soon regret. And yes, sometimes? No response is the best route to take here.

3. Your Intuition Is There For A Reason.

LISTEN to your inner voice. Trust yourself. But first, make sure you’re doing the necessary inner work to be able to think, act and feel in a way that is most aligned with who you want to be- and what the best version of yourself looks like.

4. The Opinion & Choices Of Others Is Just That.

Feeling cast aside? Not included? Misunderstood? Are people disagreeing with your life choices, beliefs or personal taste & preference? Don’t let it get you down! It’s SO not worth your time and energy. If you know in your heart of hearts that what you’re doing is best for you, and you’re doing it from a place of love & integrity- that’s honestly what matters most.❤️

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