Can Your Wisdom Teeth Cause Sore Throat? Symptoms & 7 Natural Solutions.

Sore Throat? Your Wisdom Teeth May Be To Blame. Do you still have your wisdom teeth? Or did you recently have them taken out? Well, if you have a sore throat they may be the ones to blame- and not the sick kid that forgot to cover his mouth while sneezing near you on the … Read more

Shoulder Impingement: 11 Symptoms, Causes & Exercises That Work

woman working out doing an overhead shoulder press with dumbbells looking in mirror

Shoulder Impingement: What Is It? In 35% of shoulder pain-related cases, shoulder impingement is the culprit. Other names for it include impingement syndrome, swimmer’s shoulder, thrower’s shoulder, supraspinatus syndrome & subacromial impingement. Shoulder impingement largely involves your rotator cuff. The rotator cuff is made up of a group of muscles and tendons attaching the humerus … Read more