The Top 4 Life Lessons You Learn As You Get Older.

The Top Life Lessons You Learn Into Adulthood. There’s a “life lessons” trend going around on social media. So of course, I jumped on this trend myself because one- brand awareness. And two, the four points made in this trend are pretty valid and worthwhile truths!! Below you’ll find the video I did, followed by … Read more

Herbal Aromatherapy: The 15 Best Essential Oils To Use

Aromatherapy has gotten a lot of traction in the past decade or so. However, it’s practice dates back hundreds of thousands of years! Namely known for it’s many health and mental benefits. There really is no wonder it’s still around and seemingly going nowhere. The best essential oils can boost both your physical and emotional being. Amazingly, this is achieved by using nothing but natural plant extracts.