43 Self Love Journal Prompts For Confidence, Self Discovery & Self Improvement

Using Self Love Journal Prompts As A Tool For Personal Development.

Self love journal prompts are an incredible way to cultivate your self confidence and self esteem! Do you ever feel a longing for something- something so familiar, yet so hard to place? Are you lacking the confidence and certainty necessary to pursue your own heart’s purest desires? Do anxiety, procrastination, and negative self talk prevent you from living your happiest and healthiest life?

Believe me, I’ve been there. Honestly, I think we have all experienced this- and none are immune to the paralyzing stings of self doubt.

43 Self Love Journal Prompts You Can Use To Improve All Areas Of Your Life.

Use these self love journal prompts in a physical or electronic journal. I encourage you to push through and do even the difficult ones. Often it’s the things that are most difficult that have the highest impact and reward!

#1 Write a letter to your future self.

Channel your inner Marty McFly with this first self love journal prompt! You can easily do this by writing it down on paper, sending an email, etc.

But, if you want to get super tech nerdy- check out this cool website called FutureMe. Many teachers, coaches, and therapists use it to help motivate and give perspective to their pupils. You can schedule the email to be delivered to you on any date you choose! Very cool if you ask me.

#2 Write down 10 things you love about yourself.

Can you think of 10 things you love about yourself? If you’ve never done this before, it might be difficult at first. I know there was a time when I would draw a complete blank when faced with this question. But as the years have passed, I’ve discovered that there are SO many things to love about myself! And I assure you, there are AT LEAST 10 things to love about yourself too.

#3 What are your three most admirable traits?

Listing three admirable traits about yourself might seem similar to self love journal prompt #2. However, finding something admirable versus lovable is not one and the same. So for this one, list three things you respect and find pride in about yourself. (This is the definition of admirable!)

#4 When do you feel most alive?

Think back to a recent or not-so-recent time when you felt a fire burning within you. A moment when you were filled with happiness, passion, and faith in the universe- and your own abilities. Relive this time as you write about it for this self love journal prompt!

#5 What is your proudest accomplishment?

For this prompt, it could be a time you won an award, faced a fear, or simply completed a task. Graduation, landing the job, jumping from the high jump at Defy (that’s facing a fear for me if ever there was one- still haven’t done it lol!)Or maybe it’s simply folding your laundry as soon as it came out of the dryer.

Whatever it is, write about it in detail. How did you feel? What driving factors ensured your accomplishment in this task?

#6 Think back to the happiest moment in your life.

Who were you with? What were you doing? How did you feel? Is there a way to create additional opportunities in your life for more moments like this? Really relive and envision this time as you write about it!

#7 List 1 skill you want to learn or improve upon.

This is easy. What skill do you want to learn or improve upon? For me, it’s to become fluent in Spanish once and for all. Growing up with an Ecuadorian stepmother, you’d think I’d have already had this one down- but I don’t! And that’s okay.

Because what makes life fun: Finding new and sometimes challenging ways to become an even better version of yourself! …So what skill is it for you?

#8 What are your favorite hobbies?

List as many as you like for this one! What do you enjoy doing in your downtime? I remember when someone asked me this years ago. I was completely taken off guard! What did I like to do? I had no clue lol. For some, maybe this question is a no-brainer, but in hindsight, I realize that I was so disconnected from myself back then- I didn’t even know how to answer the question: “What do you do in your downtime?”

Now find out how easy it is for you to answer!

#9 List 5 things you are really good at.

Are you ready for this one? I know you’re great at doing at least 5 things! Hell, I bet you could easily list 20 things depending on how deep you are into your path of self discovery. Don’t sell yourself short. You’ve got talent and there’s nothing wrong with owning it.

#10 Name three habits that are no longer serving you.

We all have vices of some sort. Something that’s perhaps less than admirable, yet we do it on the regular. Basically, it’s something that we know isn’t the best for us but we just don’t really want to give it up.

The downside to this is if we repeatedly do something we know deep down isn’t serving us- it sends a message to our subconscious. In a sense, our bad habitual habits are a form of disrespect to ourselves.

For this self love journal prompt, I’m not telling you to eliminate these habits. I am however telling you to at least acknowledge them. And if you’re up for extra credit, write out why and how these habits aren’t supporting the life you want to create for yourself!

#11 Write a letter to your younger self.

Time to travel in time again! This time we’re going back though. (If only that were truly possible- imagine the things we could go see!)

In the letter to your younger self, talk about what adulthood is like for you so far. Tell your younger self what goals and dreams you’ve achieved so far. Give advice and encouragement to your younger self. Share what you’ve learned about yourself since that time. This can be an emotional self love journal prompt, but don’t be afraid to have fun with it too!

#12 Describe your perfect day in detail.

What does your perfect day look like? What would you wear? How would you feel? Where would you go? Who would you include in your perfect day? Write about it in detail. Then ask yourself, in what ways can I make every day resemble (in at least some small way) my perfect day?

#13 Name one place in the world that you want to visit.

Add this one to the bucket list! What’s one place, anywhere in the world, that you would like to visit? Bonus points for writing why you want to visit.

#14 Paint a picture of your ideal life.

Get your metaphorical brush and easel out! Because we’re painting the picture of your dream life. Remember- we’re getting artsy here. So get creative and express your deepest hopes and desires!

Where do you live?

Who do you live with (if anyone)?

What does your home look like?

What kind of car do you drive?

How do you earn money to not only survive but also thrive?

What kind of foods do you drink and eat?

What kind of activities do you do on a daily basis?

Anything goes! So don’t be afraid to write all your heart’s desires.

#15 Make a list of 10 affirmations.

If you need help with this one, I have a whole post dedicated to nothing but Affirmations for Self Love (click the link if you want to see it!).

Basically, for this one, you’re writing 10 positive and uplifting things you believe, or want to believe, about yourself.

And can I let you in on a secret?

If you want to believe it about yourself, then it’s 100% possible for it to be true about you- and likely, it already is. It’s just a seed that needs a little watering and TLC from its planter (hint: that’s you!).

#16 Describe the best compliment someone has ever given you.

I love being put on the spot, don’t you?

Quick, think back to every instance in your life when someone has given you a compliment! (This one is always a difficult one for me lol.)

But, I find if I take a deep breath, and then slowly think back to all the times someone said something that filled me with a sense of surprise and appreciation– I can usually think up a good amount of really encouraging and genuine compliments I’ve received.

So now it’s your turn. What is the best (or one of the best) compliment you’ve ever received? What exactly did they say? Why did it make you feel good?

And the cool thing about this self love journal prompt, is that you can do it multiple times while using a different favorite compliment each time. Because the compliment that helps inspire you today might be different depending on the day, and where you are in your life at that very moment!

#17 What healthy habits do you currently do?

It’s time to give yourself some credit, where credit is due. What healthy habits do you currently do? What inspired you to start doing them? Why are they beneficial for you? When you first started doing them, how easy was it for you to begin incorporating them into your life on the regular?

#18 List 1 new healthy habit you want to adopt.

Now that you’ve reminded yourself of your ability to pick up and maintain a healthy habit or two with Self Love Journal Prompt #17, let’s talk about adding to your healthy habit list.

Is there something you’ve been wishing you did more of? Something that will benefit your life in some way? Have you ever done it in the past? If so, why did you stop? If you have never done it before, then what’s stopped you from trying it? And finally, what changes can you make to ensure that you start doing it now?

Because the here and now, that’s what truly matters. And what you do today is what helps determine your future!

#19 Write down 3 things you love about yourself.

What do you love about yourself? It can be anything, but try to steer away from things pertaining to your appearance (you’ll see why in a second!). Something pertaining to your abilities, personality, or life.

You only “have” to list 3 for this one, but please feel more than welcome to list more!

#20 Write down 3 things you love about your outward appearance.

Okay, now we’re getting physical. What three things do you love about your outward appearance? Choose anything! Your hair, eyes, skin, body shape– I’m sure they’re all beautiful. Don’t sell yourself short on this one either.

#21 Write 5 things you are grateful for.

This is one of my favorites. I’m grateful for daily gratitude.

Seriously, practicing daily gratitude is truly life-changing (and brain-changing if you want to get scientific about it!). But for this self love journal prompt, you don’t have to do it daily. (I mean okay you should, but that’s another conversation for another day.)

Simply name five things you are grateful for having, being a part of, or knowing in your life. It can be a person, place, ability, experience, or thing.

#22 What does your perfect morning routine look like?

Imagine your perfect morning. What time do you wake up? Do you meditate? Yoga? Eat breakfast? Drink coffee or tea? What about this morning appeals so perfectly to you? Write about it in detail. Then ask yourself if there are ways to make more mornings like this one.

#23 How have you changed for the better in the past 5 years?

Depending on where you are in your life path, 5 years can fly by in the blink of an eye- or they can drag on like thick molasses on a cold winter day.

Regardless of how fast (or slow) the past 5 years have gone by, you are sure to have grown in at least a few beneficial ways! So for this self love journal prompt, write about all the ways you’ve improved. What do you think inspired these changes?

#24 What are 3 simple ways you can practice self love?

Pick your brain for this one. What does self love look like for you? Name 3 small, simple, and easy ways to practice it on a daily basis.

#25 “I forgive myself for…”

People talk a lot about the importance of not holding grudges against others. But what about holding grudges against yourself? A key part of self love and self acceptance is acknowledging that despite our imperfections, flaws and mistakes- we are still worthy of love and happiness.

So for this prompt, think of something you’ve done in the past that you feel immense remorse, guilt, and maybe even self loathing over. Then, dig deeper by exploring why you did this thing in the first place. Make sure you’re not solely blaming others for your actions in this scenario. It’s easy to place blame on others when difficult emotions are involved, but ultimately you and you alone are responsible for your own actions. So own your part in the situation, and then ask yourself what areas of yourself you need to improve upon in order to avoid making the same mistake(s) in the future.

#26 Think back to a challenge you’ve had in the past. How did you grow stronger because of it?

It’s no lie, life can knock us down from time to time. But the amazing thing about the human spirit is that it’s capable of more strength than we typically realize. Especially when we’re “down on the ground.”

So think back to a time when you were faced with a challenge, only to prevail in some small or big way. Relish in that feeling of resilience, and then reaffirm how strong and capable you truly are.

“I’m proud of me because I’ve survived the days I thought I couldn’t.”

#27 Write down 10 things that make you happy. Then circle at least one you can do today!

Can you name ten activities that make you happy? Maybe it’s a trip to your favorite coffee shop with (or without) a friend. A walk down your favorite nature trail. Or, maybe it’s vegging out on the couch watching Harry Potter & The Prisoner of Azkaban for the umpteenth time (guilty… unlike Sirius!).

Whatever it may be that fills you with joy and fulfillment, circle one that is doable for you on this lovely day. And then make it a point to do it (today).

#28 List 1-3 “weaknesses” about yourself. Now write how these “weaknesses” can actually be turned into strengths!

We all have perceived weaknesses. But the thing about weaknesses is that they can actually be turned into strengths. Sometimes, sure, you can do this by overcoming your weakness.

Like say you’re a terrible cook, so you take up cooking lessons from a worthy culinary artist- and then become the best chef in your family.

On the flip side, let’s say you view yourself as being too loud, dramatic, and over the top. Maybe your friends, family, and acquaintances have helped bolster this belief for you. Okay, while it’s possible you could benefit from honing your emotion regulation abilities (who wouldn’t benefit from this?). But, maybe, just maybe… you could take all that energy, raw emotion, and creative expression– and channel it into some type of performance art. Poetry reading, drama club, social media videos. The sky’s the limit on this one!

If you need help, reach out to me. I’d love to help guide you. Because I’m a firm believer that our weaknesses are given to us for a reason, just as much as our strengths.

#29 What are 10 songs that make you feel happy?

This self love journal prompt is a great way to allow your higher self to be there for yourself when you’re feeling low. Make a list of 10 songs that make you feel happy, carefree, and at peace. These songs should give you warm fuzzies. If you can, use an app like Spotify to create a custom playlist. Then, when you’re feeling down, give this playlist a listen!

(As a side note, I also recommend listening to it first thing in the morning or on your morning commute.)

#30 Write the name of at least 3 people you know you can always count on for friendship and support.

Do you have at least 3 people that you can count on to just always be there for you? Write them down! Next time you’re feeling down or lost, pick up the phone and send them a call or text.

#31 Picture yourself as a confident, self assured person. How would you speak, walk, dress, and act differently?

This is a fun visualization-type exercise! Envision yourself at your most confident.

What does your posture look like? How do you carry yourself? Do you walk at a fast, or slow pace? How does the sound of your voice and tone of inflection sound, when speaking to others? Do you make more eye contact? What kind of clothes do you wear? How does your hair look? Do you wear more, or less makeup- or none at all?

Write it all down and leave nothing out!

#32 What dream job would you pursue every day if there was nothing standing in your way?

For this self love journal prompt, think of all your passions. Could any of these passions be turned into a source of income? This is your dream job, and it can be yours! Write about what your dream job would entail.

#33 What makes you unique?

Next up, in what ways are you unique? Think of personality traits, habits, and thought processes that set you apart- while also simultaneously defining who you are. All these things, put together, are what make you uniquely your own person.

#34 What do you want your life to look like in the next 5 years?

In the next 5 years, where do you want to be in life? What’s your personal and professional look like? Are you still living in the same location? Working at the same job? Spending your downtime with the same people? Write in vivid detail, leaving nothing out!

#36 Is there something you keep ruminating on?

It’s not uncommon for people to think repeatedly about a thought, fear, or past event that causes them distress, sadness, or anxiety. This is called ruminating.

On the surface, rumination can seem like the path to finding clarity, insight, and resolution. But the fact of the matter is that it only magnifies and relives the pain that you’re trying so hard to make sense of.

For this self love journal prompt, try to identify if there’s anything you ruminate on. Write it down. Then, decide on an applicable affirmation that can help you to reshift and realign your mindset next time it enters your thoughts.

#37 What would you pursue if you knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that nothing would go wrong?

Is there anything you have always dreamt of doing, but fear of failure, self doubt, or simply anxiety of the unknown hold you back? Write down this dream.

Then, write about all the good things that could happen if you were to pursue it. Visualize all these good things coming to pass. Journal about how it would feel to actually accomplish this aspiration. What new things would you be able to do if you followed through with this endeavor? In what ways would you feel differently about yourself?

#38 How would you live if today was your last day?

I can’t do this self love journal prompt without hearing “If Today Was Your Last Day” by Nickelback begin to play in my mind’s ear. But honestly, it’s a really good song, with an even better message.

“My best friend gave me the best advice. He said each day’s a gift and not a given right. Leave no stone unturned, leave your fears behind. And try to take the path less traveled by. That first step you take is the longest stride…”

So answer the question for yourself. How would you live if you knew today was going to be your last day? Would you prioritize the same as you typically do? How about your loved ones- would you treat them any differently? Write it all down, leaving nothing left for the imagination.

#39 What are you most willing to do that others typically aren’t as quick to attempt?

As we’ve already discussed, we all have differing strengths. Things we’re better at doing than others, or at least the majority. So what are you really eager, quick and willing to do that others generally aren’t? Write it down, and then write why you’re so fearless when it comes to this action or role.

#40 Name 3 people you look up to, or admire. What traits do you have in common with them?

Ask yourself, who are your heroes? There has to be at least 3 people in the world that you have respect and admiration for! These people likely bring about a sense of awe, inspiration, and reverence in you. Write their names down, then write what traits you share with each and every one of them.

The exciting truth to be learned here is this: The things we admire in others, are often the things we are equally capable of being (and doing) ourselves. We just have to have enough courage to do what it takes to get there.

#41 Write yourself a note of encouragement next time you’re having a bad day.

When you first do this self love journal prompt, make sure you’re having a good day! Because this will serve you best if you write it in a moment when you’re feeling your best. Think of it as a love letter from your best self on your best day, to your lost self on your worst day. What would you say to yourself on your worst day to help remind you how amazing, capable, and worthy you truly are?

Hint: Your best self is your true self. You might want to include this little fact in the letter you’re about to write!

#42 What activities did you love doing as child? Do you still do any of them?

If you’ve used any of my self-development tools, you might know by now that I love activities that reconnect you with your inner child. Well, this self-love journal prompt is an effective and simple step in achieving this! Think back to when you were a carefree youth with unhindered hopes and dreams. What did you enjoy doing in your free time? Do you still do any of these things? If not, can you begin finding ways to incorporate them back into your life? (If there’s a will, there’s a way.)

Side note: My favorite childhood activities included bike riding, exploring the outdoors, walking & running barefoot outside (even when my mom told me not to), playing Nintendo games, web design(!!!), journaling, and creative writing.

#43 What’s holding you back from pursuing your goals? What can you do to overcome this obstacle?

Finally, we have the last self love journal prompt for this post. While it might sound redundant (we’ve already journaled about dreams, career paths, learning new skills, etc.) this prompt is all-encompassing.

Write down at least 3 of your most desirable goals.

What has prevented you from fully pursuing and achieving them? How can you workaround, or through, these obstacles? Write out your plan for how you can once and for all achieve these 3 goals. Be sure to be thorough and in-depth. Include specifics such as times and places.

Self Love Journal Prompts Are A Great Way To Combat Negative Self-Talk & Low Self-Esteem.

I hope you use these journal prompts as a powerful tool to aid you in your self-love journey! Because we are all deserving of living our best life, as our most authentic self, including you.

Also, since I’m such a firm believer in daily journaling being an important first step in personal development- I created my 10-Day Daily Journaling Course to help you get started! All you have to do is fill out the form below and the rest will be promptly emailed to you.

Which self love journal prompt will you be trying out first? And, what are your favorite ways to foster a positive mindset while showing unconditional love for yourself? Inspire and encourage others by commenting below!

12 thoughts on “43 Self Love Journal Prompts For Confidence, Self Discovery & Self Improvement”

    • It happens to the best of us! I hope this post inspires you to make lasting changes in regards to this! Self love & appreciation is one the greatest gifts you can give to yourself. Let me know if you need any help with accountability 😉

  1. Very nice list! I remember trying to write to my future self before, these list is great when you need to uplift yourself.


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