SMART Goals For Nutrition & Wellness: Examples & Tips

What Are SMART Goals?

SMART goals are basically the secret sauce to success when setting ANY type of goal. However, for today’s post, we will be focusing primarily on SMART goals related to Nutrition. SMART stands for Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic & Timely.

The Trick To Remembering To Set SMART Goals 

Alright, bear with me while I get a little corny.

(It will help preserve the memory lol.)

Ready for it? It is smart to set goals, but it is even smarter to set SMART goals.

SMART, in case you didn’t know, is actually an acronym for specific goal-setting criteria. I’ll stop beating around the bush and get straight to the point now.

Here is what SMART means:

  • S Specific

               Specify the what, why, and/or how.  

  • M Measurable  

               It must have a measurable outcome.  

  • A Attainable 

              The goal must be something attainable by the person setting the goal.

  • R – Realistic 

              Similar to attainable, it must be realistic and within reach of the goal-setter.

  • T – Timely

              There needs to be a timeline set when setting any goal. “By this time xx next xx I will achieve xx.” This is what makes it timely.

Pretty Simple, Right?

Using the criteria set by the SMART approach to setting goals, you can begin to use it when venturing down any new avenue in life. If something you’re considering the pursuit of does not check all 5 SMART boxes, then perhaps it’s not worth pursuing. Or, maybe you simply need to come at it from a different angle!

One example would be if you’re wishing to get more active. Using the SMART principles, you could commit to:

“follow a Nanala Cove exercise program, 3 times a week, 45 minutes at a time, for 6 consecutive weeks.”

This would be a goal that was specific, measurable, attainable, realistic & timely.

Also, I just have to put a few plug ins for my personal training & fitness coaching programs and services. Because honestly, I’m incredibly passionate about holistic health & wellness. Following a consistent, safe & progressive strength training program is something I recommend to everyone!

Additional Examples Of Smart Goals.

Now, let’s drive this home. Because once you begin implementing SMART goals, you will be unstoppable!

Here are a few other scenarios where SMART goals are being set:

  • If you want to eat healthier for weight loss or general health reasons:“I will use the example meal plan laid out in the Nanala Cove Deluxe Nutrition Guide, 6 days a week, for every meal, for 4 consecutive weeks.”
  • If you are wanting to feel happier and attract more happiness into your life:“I will journal gratitude & affirmations using a Deluxe Daily Journal, 7 days a week, every morning upon waking, for 8 consecutive weeks.”
  • If you are longing for self-healing, more confidence, a more mindful existence & a feeling of being at home within yourself:“I will complete the daily self-care checklist in 28 Days Of Sunshine, 7 days a week, by the end of each day, for 28 consecutive days.”

But Don’t Stop There!

Once you’ve successfully achieved one goal, don’t stop there! Keep adding new challenges and reaching new metaphorical heights.

So let’s say you’ve succeeded in exercising 3 times a week for 6 consecutive weeks. Great, now keep going and show yourself that 4 or even 5 times a week is just as easily attainable!!

Setting Your First SMART Goal.

Now that you have the framework for setting goals, ask yourself what you most want to achieve first. Making changes to one’s diet, schedule, and/or routine can be stressful and overwhelming. The ego will often resist change, especially positive changes!! But this is completely natural, and merely something you must push through if you want to achieve all life has to offer you.

However, it’s important to keep your goals small. Imagine it’s a journey, not a race to the finish line.

To help you gain perspective, start by making a list of your daily habits & typical dietary choices. Highlight areas that you suspect could be sabotaging your nutrition, fitness & general wellness goals. If you need help, you can always consult a professional for a consultation.

Things To Watch For.

While I do offer nutrition, personal training & life coaching– I’m a firm believer in self-empowerment and autonomy. This is always the end goal I have with each and every one of my clients.

So here are some tips on what you might want to highlight in terms of what habits might classify as detrimental to your health & wellness goals. I’ve also included a suggested solution for you:

Most importantly, remember to keep it positive! You’re not punishing yourself. You’re meeting yourself where you’re at and lovingly showing yourself that there is a better, healthier & more mindful way of living.

Here’s another example scenario:

“I will not have a glass of wine every night” gives off negative, self-limiting vibes.

Whereas, “I will drink a cup of calming detox tea 3 nights a week in place of my nightly glass of wine” is a goal that whispers positivity, compromise & compassion

Make Sure You Take Action.

Lastly, be sure to take the necessary steps to begin seeing your goals to their fruition. If you decide you will be following a meal plan for a set period of time, then be sure to get all the food and ingredients you need in order to successfully follow it.

Or if you decide you will be doing a dumbbell workout 3 times a week at home, make sure you have the dumbbells!!

Visualize Your Success.

Also, visualization can go a long way and it comes in many forms. In this case, visualize the steps you need to take. What are you wearing? What time is it? How do you feel once you’ve completed the workout or finished the meal? Focus on the feeling of accomplishment, and how good it feels to achieve your heart’s purest desires.

Track Your Progress.

Well, we are human after all, and it’s easy to momentarily forget or lose focus.

So be sure to track your progress as you go. Making notes of your wins along the way can help motivate & keep you on track. Because believe me, life will get in the way & you will need something to help you find your drive and focus again.

Regularly scheduled pictures, measurements, food & workout logging are all great ways to track your progress.

My subscribers get all the best tips, tools & deals, so don’t forget to subscribe to the Nanala Cove newsletter! 🙂

3 thoughts on “SMART Goals For Nutrition & Wellness: Examples & Tips”

  1. I like the idea of setting specific goals. Much more attainable than just saying “I’m going to go to the gym more”. Thanks!


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