10 Minute Meditation To Clear Your Karma

Do You Actually Believe In Karma?

Before you skip this post because you see the word “karma” and think “Karma, pffftt there is no such thing. That’s some new age-y shit!” 

Well… first, take a second to read what I have to say!!

Is karma even real? Yes, I believe that it is real. But no, not necessarily in the way that Buddhism and Hinduism define it, according to Oxford Dictionary:

(in Hinduism and Buddhism) the sum of a person’s actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences.

Definition From Oxford Languages

Personally, I think that our subconscious minds, our thoughts, and our self-talk have a HUGE and PROFOUND impact on our actions and life choices. Basically, our inner world and belief system about ourselves has a direct impact on how we perceive others- AND how we are perceived by them in return.

So… What Is Karma?

Karma, to me, represents the RESULT of our subconscious thoughts, perceptions, and self-talk.

We attract what we are. If we are carrying around deep-seated resentment, fear, hurt, and self-limiting doubts- guess what? We’re going to reap what we sow. The relationships, jobs, conversations, thoughts, all of it- it’s all a reflection of what’s going on inside of us. And THIS my friends, is why it is so paramount to constantly be striving to clean out the absolute rubbage of our past traumas.

Because those emotional injuries and letdowns are sure to be the precursors to the harboring resentments and emotional walls that were born within us as a result.

Karma: What Choice Do You Have?

I believe we choose to let “karma” bite us in the ass. This happens when we haven’t come around to forgiving ourselves for things we’ve said, done, or thought of in the past. Or, we are unwilling to forgive others for their own shortcomings and wrongs toward us. And so we hold onto bitterness, resentment- even hatred towards them or the situation. I’m telling you, that will fester, grow, and rot you from the inside out. You have to be willing to let go. Choose love over fear. Choose forgiveness and understanding, over hatred and grudges.

Use This Meditation To “Clear Your Karma”

I love this guided meditation, available for free by GreatMeditation on YouTube. Don’t get me wrong, longer sessions have their time and place. But, scientific studies support that even 10 minutes of meditation is enough time to bring about positive changes! Especially when done on a daily basis.

So give the video below a try. In just a little more than 10 minutes, it helps you feel lighter, less resentful, and a little closer to your best self. Let me know how it goes!

Learn about the 23 greatest benefits of meditation, the different types, and how to start. Click here!!

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Hey, did you see my 28 Days Of Sunshine Book yet? It’s an amazing way to give yourself the jumpstart you need to begin living a happier, healthier, and more intentional life! I’ll be your guide for 28 days as you delve deep into self-care activities & journal prompts, all focused on self-love, shadow work, and inner child healing. Click below to get your copy, on sale in the Nanala Cove shop now!

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