5 Secrets To Getting Healthy, Happy & Fit: Lose Weight, Gain Muscle, & Feel Your Best.

A New Approach To Achieving Weight Loss & Fitness Goals.

It’s actually pretty easy & pretty simple to lose body fat, gain muscle and tone up your body. And the benefits of doing so, exceed far past merely the physical! What I mean by that, is that not only does regular exercise benefit you by giving you the body of your dreams- but it also improves your self confidence, self esteem & overall happiness levels.

However, it might not be for the reasons you may think.

My Name is Mae, and I’m a Fitness Expert.

First of all, allow me to introduce myself. If you don’t yet know who I am, then you may be asking who the hell am I to say that weight loss, muscle building, and (gasp!) cardio is easy? Oh, and don’t even get you started on making healthy changes to your existing diet. Because that shit is just not happening.

And you know what?

You’re right. It’s not easy.

And making changes to your diet?

Honestly, I think there are some biological & sociological factors that put us at a predisposition to being extremely resistant to it. And I don’t think we’re wrong for feeling that way!


I do believe there is an easier way to make healthy habits & choices a part of your daily routine and lifestyle.

And I want to show you.

I really, really want to show you.

That you are capable. You are worthy. And you fucking got this.

Oh yeah, I was introducing myself.

So my name is Mae and I am a NASM Certified Personal Trainer. I’ve been in the fitness industry for over 15 years now!! I also have NASM specialty certifications that qualify me to be a Nutrition Coach, Golf Fitness Expert, Corrective Exercise Specialist, Performance Enhancement Specialist, Mental Toughness Expert & Behavior Change Specialist.

In short, fitness, nutrition & mindset are my passions and areas of expertise.

And I have helped empower hundreds of clients & individuals to start moving, eating & thinking like they love themselves.

Because that’s really, ultimately, what it comes down to.

Do you love yourself?

Self love is the key to making healthy choices long term.

You have to believe that you are worthy of being in good health and physical shape.

Furthermore, you have to believe that you are capable of being your own version of the people you wish you looked, lived & acted more like.

Cause guess what?

Everything you see in another person, that you wish you yourself possessed… that’s because deep down, you know you have it in you!!

And hey I’m here to say, hell yes, you do.

These 5 things are all you need to get your body & mind in shape.

Okay, maybe that’s a blanket statement.

However, if you start adding these 5 things to your daily life then you are going to be feeling and looking like the badass, confident, capable, strong, worthy, beautiful human being that you are.

1. Strength Training

Of course, of course. The personal trainer is suggesting strength training. (Big surprise, I know.)

But hear me out.

I was not always a “weightlifter”.

I thought, cardio, maybe some yoga, pilates & bodyweight exercises- these would be enough to keep me healthy & in shape.

But strength training? Well, it turns out, this shit has magical effects not only on your physical body, but on your mental health as well.

You can head over to one of my older blog posts to read up on all the benefits by clicking here, otherwise, I’ll give you a quick yet thorough summary, right here and now.

Ever heard of Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC)?

Basically, it’s your body’s metabolism working in overtime after an intense workout. And studies have shown that strength training with weights has a greater, longer lasting effect in regards to this.

In other words, strength training burns more calories, for a longer time (some studies say up to 72 hours!) post workout.

Whereas with cardio, generally, you’re only burning calories during the session itself.

(That does NOT mean you should not be doing cardio. I’ll get to that in a sec.)

Now I want to save some time (a benefit not only for me, but for you as well) so here is a list of all the ways strength training can help you.

  • Enhanced proprioception (AKA balance)
  • Stronger bones
  • Faster metabolism
  • Higher energy levels
  • Better mood and overall mental health
  • Increased self confidence
  • Deeper, higher quality sleep
  • Reduced body fat
  • Toned muscles
  • Firmer skin
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Decreased chance of diabetes
  • Stabilize blood pressure
  • Decrease in symptoms related to that of rheumatoid and osteoarthritis
  • Reduced pain of the lumbar, thoracic and cervical spine
  • Stronger joints
  • Better posture
  • Stronger core, flatter midsection
  • Reverse & prevent sarcopenia
  • Strengthened immune system

2. Cardio

Ah yes, cardio may not burn as many calories post exercise. But it is SO vitally important to, well, your vital organs and overall well being.

It also happens to be one of the most effective ways I’ve personally found to burn visceral fat- when done in conjunction with consistent strength training & a healthy “diet.”

To answer your question, visceral fat is referring to the fat deposits surrounding your internal organs. In other words, it’s the type of fat that can kill you.

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This is the scale I use with all my clients, and for myself. It measures body weight, bone density, water weight, subcutaneous fat, visceral fat, protein levels, skeletal muscle, muscle mass, metabolic age & BMR. You connect it via Bluetooth using the Renpho App on your phone- and in the app it even has a feature that allows you to record your body circumference measurements.

Okay we’re back. I’ll try to speed this up and give you the rundown on why you need to add cardio if you’re trying to feel, live, look & BE healthy.

Cardio increases the number of calories you burn in that day. That’s great, right?

But also, it stimulates your brain in a very beneficial way.

And… it is one of THE best & most effective ways to improve heart & lung health.

I don’t care what you look like, what your goals are, here’s the bottom line. You need cardio in your life. End period, paragraph.

3. Healthy Nutrition

Let’s get one thing straight.

I don’t believe in diets. I hate fad diets. I hate extreme dieting challenges. I think they do more harm than good, at least in the long run. And they are rarely sustainable or even beneficial to your health.

Like, actually. I honestly believe they are one the most harmful things you can do for your physical and your mental health.

However… I do believe in eating healthy, whole, real foods. At least the majority of the time.

I fucking LOVE the 80/20 approach. What is the 80/20 approach? It’s the idea that 80% of what you put into your body, is going to be “healthy.” The remaining 20%? Well, I guess… whatever goes, right?

The thing is, once you start eating healthy the majority of the time? You end up craving the unhealthy bullshit a lot less. It’s not instantaneous. But it does take into effect, fairly quickly, once you get going with it.

Now how do you eat “healthy?

You focus on eating foods that are packed full of nutrients, and you eat a wide variety of them.

You give a fuck about what you’re putting into your body- NOT because you fear gaining weight or getting, quote and quote, “fat” (I hate that fucking saying).

But rather, you eat healthy because you know that overly processed foods such as fast food, fried foods, pastries, soda & candy, etc. etc… are all going to feed, harbor & birth disease within your body.

Also, you love yourself and your family enough to make the conscious decision to eat foods that are going to make you feel good. Foods that you know will help ensure your own longevity, optimal health & wellbeing.

And if you have kids?

If you are eating in a way that does not reflect that you care about your own health- mentally & physically- what kind of message is that sending to your kids? To your family & loved ones?

And once again, let me just be clear.

This goes both ways, on either end of the spectrum. Restrictive, obsessive dieting is just as bad as careless & overly indulgent eating.

I’m not saying don’t indulge in a fried oreo at the county fair with your kids. I’m just saying, don’t make it a part of your everyday lifestyle.

In fact, what I’m saying is, why not eat in the way on a regular basis that ensures you have a healthy gut flora, healthy relationship with food, and a healthy mindset surrounding eating as a whole?

That way, you have no qualms about eating that fried oreo. And you also have no trouble going back to your regular healthy, real, whole foods once the fun is over.

Because you know that eating healthy makes you feel your best. And you love when you feel your best.

There is profound power & freedom in choosing to intentionally eat like you love yourself.

And if you’re not sure how to do this, please contact me– because I can help. But you have to ready, open & willing to hear what I have to say.

4. Mindfulness

Mindfulness. This is (also) what it really, ultimately comes down to.

The only way you’re going to be, and return quickly back into, the mindset of “I am doing this because it makes me feel, look, think & move my best” …is if you have a certain level of self awareness, determination & inner strength.

And how do you get this?

Well, first of all, you have to decide that you’re going to start doing the things listed above.

But also, yoga, meditation, journaling, reading, listening to podcasts and/or audibles, etc. these are all excellent ways to increase & improve your overall mindfulness.

So that is why I encourage my clients to add at least one of these mindfulness boosting activities to their routines.

5. Yoga

While yes, yoga does fall under the “mindfulness” category… I believe it deserves its very own special ranking.

You see, yoga is a dance between body, mind & soul.

Read my earlier blog entry on the benefits, and you’ll find that I go over how it helps with all the following, and more:

  • Strength
  • Flexibility
  • Mood
  • Chronic pain
  • Balance & proprioception
  • Arthritis
  • Heart health
  • Inner peace
  • Energy levels
  • Stress levels
  • Connection with oneself
  • Immune system
  • Posture & alignment
  • Digestive system
  • Lymphatic system

I encourage my clients to practice yoga at least once a week. Even if it’s just 15 minutes.

How long will it take you to get the results you want?

Now, you might be wondering how long it will take to actually see results.

You start doing these things, and maybe it feels good the first few days, weeks… but then, let’s be honest. Old habits die hard.

And my all time favorite, “life gets in the way.”

Or, maybe you’re not getting to where you want to be, as fast as you’d like. And, well you know, you kinda just let it go and then return back to what was comfortable and “normal” for you.

Well, I’m here to tell you that you will never get to where you want to be if you take that approach.

That being said… it’s not about the destination. This isn’t a quick fix scenario.

Will you start seeing results with the first month?

Absolutely. And if you follow a program assigned by me, I guarantee it!

But I want to be clear. It’s not about getting from point “A” to point “B.”

It’s about the journey, and the process of stepping into living as the healthiest, happiest, best version of YOU.

And this version of you, is continuously growing, learning & implementing new ways to add value to yourself, your life, and those around you.

But there’s a reason I sell 3 month transformation programs.

3 months.

3 months of consistent & strategic effort on your part- and you will feel transformed.

And not only will you feel and see it, but those around you will have taken notice as well.

And that’s honestly when it gets addicting. In a good way, of course.

I’ve noticed that once you get to that 3 month mark, you’re less likely to go back to your old ways & habits.

In turn, this is when you’re more likely to stay consistent, and it’s more likely to feel like a new, better, higher way of living for you.

So that, you see, is why I sell these 3 month transformation programs!!!

In order to succeed, you need more than just internal motivation.

Now, I one hundred percent believe in the limitless power that comes from self belief and determination.

But I also know that having an external driving force of some sort can often be what gives you the extra push you need on the days when you just don’t want to fucking do it.

And that my friend, is where I come in.

As a personal trainer & wellness coach, I can provide external accountability, motivation & guidance to help you in your journey towards becoming happy, healthy & fit.

That being said, there’s a reason why they say “money talks.”

So finally, after watching so many friends, acquaintances, clients & loved ones set out to become healthier, happier, thriving versions of themselves… only to “fall off the wagon” so to speak at the very moment when honestly, they needed to do it the most.

And typically, it seems like this happens right when they were just on the verge of overcoming their own self sabotaging & limited beliefs, excuses & habits… and I thought, if they just had some skin the game.

And that’s when it hit me.

I will pay you to get healthy, happy & fit.

I was on a bike ride. You see, I used to bike ride everyday. But then, life got fucking stressful & overwhelming and I told myself “I didn’t have time”.

Translation: I was subconsciously deciding & unwilling to make time.

But then, a couple of months ago (Idk, maybe it had to with New Years Resolutions) I decided I was going to get on that fucking bike every day. And I was going to start doing all the things listed above, because I knew firsthand how life changing, transformational & empowering they are.

I also decided I was going to start taking on more clients again, because I love helping people find their inner strength via exercise, nutrition & breaking through mindset barriers. But, I want to do more than just hold their hand and tell them what to do.

Because if you’re only working out with me, or another personal trainer- and not doing it on your own in addition to this? Then we are just your crutch.

And I don’t want to be your crutch. I want to be your guide towards living your healthiest & happiest.

You have to practice it outside of the sessions.

This is how you discover true self empowerment, and autonomy.

And so, with my 3 month transformation program, I will assign a custom program specifically designed to help you uncover what a capable, strong, worthy, kickass human being you are.

Using my app, you’ll be assigned 5 strength training workouts to do a week. These will be chosen based on your current physical abilities, time available & goals.

You’ll also receive custom nutrition guidelines & I will teach you how to eat mindfully, intentionally, and in a way that embodies self love.

And lastly, you’ll have some cardio, mindfulness & “active rest” activities thrown in to help you ensure you get the results you’ve been searching for. Results that last.

Oh, and when you complete this 3 month program (that we design together)– I will give you $500. But you only get the $500 if you see it through to the end.

So what do you say? Are you willing to bet on yourself? (Because I am!!)

Click here to get started, or book a consultation to discuss additional options.

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