The Top 4 Life Lessons You Learn As You Get Older.

The Top Life Lessons You Learn Into Adulthood. There’s a “life lessons” trend going around on social media. So of course, I jumped on this trend myself because one- brand awareness. And two, the four points made in this trend are pretty valid and worthwhile truths!! Below you’ll find the video I did, followed by … Read more

Online Personal Training: Transform Your Life With An Online Health & Wellness Coach!

A Holistic Approach To Online Health & Wellness Coaching. My online wellness coaching business, Nanala Cove, was born from a desire to offer more than the typical brick & mortar gym franchise has to offer its members and clientele. In case you don’t know me, I’m Mae Alexis & I run Nanala Cove, LLC. I’ve … Read more

Angel Number 44 – Numerology Meaning & Symbolism

Angel Number 44 & Numerology. Before we dive into Angel Number 44, I’ll share with you what exactly Numerology is. Numerology is the pseudoscientific theory in a divine or otherworldly correlation existing within seeing numbers & having a corresponding event occur within a moderately short time after. It can also extend to the numerical value … Read more

SMART Goals For Nutrition & Wellness: Examples & Tips

What Are SMART Goals? SMART goals are basically the secret sauce to success when setting ANY type of goal. However, for today’s post, we will be focusing primarily on SMART goals related to Nutrition. SMART stands for Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic & Timely. The Trick To Remembering To Set SMART Goals  Alright, bear with me … Read more