How Long Should You Meditate For? Declutter Your Mind.

How Many Minutes To Meditate So You Can Get The Best Results. The good news about starting (and maintaining) a meditation practice is that you don’t need to spend hours in meditation. In other words, no one is asking you to be a monk here. That being said, there are substantial benefits to increasing the … Read more

10 Minute Meditation To Clear Your Karma

Do You Actually Believe In Karma? Before you skip this post because you see the word “karma” and think “Karma, pffftt there is no such thing. That’s some new age-y shit!”  Well… first, take a second to read what I have to say!! Is karma even real? Yes, I believe that it is real. But … Read more

Top 9 Benefits Of Spring Water: Health Pros & Cons

water droplets falling into a large body of still water

What Is Spring Water? Spring water comes from an underground origin (AKA: a spring!). You can obtain this nutrient enriched water in one of two ways. The first, is by drilling directly into the spring source. The second way to bottle spring water, is by simply collecting it from the earth’s surface. There are three … Read more

27 Reasons To Drink More Water

So it’s no secret that water is the main component for most of the cellular makeup in our bodies. It’s also necessary for growth and reproduction, healthy digestion, temperature regulation and more. Here’s a quick list of the many things water does for us.