How Long Should You Meditate For? Declutter Your Mind.

How Many Minutes To Meditate So You Can Get The Best Results. The good news about starting (and maintaining) a meditation practice is that you don’t need to spend hours in meditation. In other words, no one is asking you to be a monk here. That being said, there are substantial benefits to increasing the … Read more

SMART Goals For Nutrition & Wellness: Examples & Tips

What Are SMART Goals? SMART goals are basically the secret sauce to success when setting ANY type of goal. However, for today’s post, we will be focusing primarily on SMART goals related to Nutrition. SMART stands for Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic & Timely. The Trick To Remembering To Set SMART Goals  Alright, bear with me … Read more

10 Minute Meditation To Clear Your Karma

Do You Actually Believe In Karma? Before you skip this post because you see the word “karma” and think “Karma, pffftt there is no such thing. That’s some new age-y shit!”  Well… first, take a second to read what I have to say!! Is karma even real? Yes, I believe that it is real. But … Read more

10-Day Bullet Journal Mini-Course: A Minimalist Guide To Daily Journaling

woman writing in a journal

A Daily Bullet Journal Practice Is Life Changing! My daily bullet journal practice changed my life, and it could change yours too! Do you feel like each day, you’re just running from one task to another? Do you feel disorganized, spread thin, and just downright exhausted? Do you ever find yourself feeling like there just … Read more